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Nic's Quality Of Life skript

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I've been working on a little thing that just adds some QOL (quality of life) things (like commands and stuff) using only Skript. No other plugins.

Also, I'm a bit new to Skripting so sorry if my code isn't the most organised thing.


  • 29 total commands
  • 14 unique commands
  • Several command aliases
  • Broadcast feature
    • Broadcast the servers' IP
    • Broadcast some preset messages
    • Send a regular broadcast
    • Send an important broadcast (more noticable)
  • List the online players
  • Show the online player count
  • Custom gamemode commands (similar to Essentials, /gm is not functional currently)
  • Custom clearlag

Feel free to suggest new features or how to improve some things!


Have a wonderful day!

Resigned Administrator of Bojan123 (4/18/21), Owner of SKUHC (4/17/21)

Author of Nic's QOL (4/28/21)

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Nice skript but why don't you use command aliases instead of making a whole new command that does the same thing as a previous command. That would help make the skript way shorter.

And instead of using console commands to kill all entities, you can just do kill all entities. Or just kill all zombies if you just want to kill a certain mob. kill all entities does kill every entity and some useful ones too so you could just kill all the specific entities you want instead. 

And other thing is that the clearlag every 5 minutes won't work. You are using a local variable which you set in a different command. Local variables only work in that specific event/command and cannot be used else where. You would need to change that to a global variable. 

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6 hours ago, Tarnerd said:

Nice skript but why don't you use command aliases instead of making a whole new command that does the same thing as a previous command. That would help make the skript way shorter.

And instead of using console commands to kill all entities, you can just do kill all entities. Or just kill all zombies if you just want to kill a certain mob. kill all entities does kill every entity and some useful ones too so you could just kill all the specific entities you want instead. 

And other thing is that the clearlag every 5 minutes won't work. You are using a local variable which you set in a different command. Local variables only work in that specific event/command and cannot be used else where. You would need to change that to a global variable. 

Thank you for your feedback!

I suppose I probably could switch 'execute console command "/kill @e[type=<entity group>]"', I guess I just didn't look at the docs hard enough to find the kill thingy.

How would I change that to a global variable? I'm a bit new to Skript variables because they work so differently from how I'm used to.


Have a wonderful day!

Resigned Administrator of Bojan123 (4/18/21), Owner of SKUHC (4/17/21)

Author of Nic's QOL (4/28/21)

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52 minutes ago, nicco1690 said:

How would I change that to a global variable? I'm a bit new to Skript variables because they work so differently from how I'm used to.

To make a variable global, instead of having it start with {_[text here]}, you will need to do {[text here]} without any underscore at the beginning.

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16 hours ago, BanditEagle said:

To make a variable global, instead of having it start with {_[text here]}, you will need to do {[text here]} without any underscore at the beginning.

Alright, thank you. An update should be out later today.

Have a wonderful day!

Resigned Administrator of Bojan123 (4/18/21), Owner of SKUHC (4/17/21)

Author of Nic's QOL (4/28/21)

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7 hours ago, nicco1690 said:

Alright, thank you. An update should be out later today.

No problem. Looking forward to the. update!

If I have helped you out in your post or you liked what I posted, please upvote and react to my post! It helps me a lot!

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