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Everything posted by Narratrr

  1. for real, bought PRO rank when it wasnt even on sale, what a waste of my money for gray chat and 50 ads, absolute joke. they dont care about anything except money
  2. every 5 seconds in "world1": if {mob1count} is less than 90: spawn zombie at location at {location1} apply potion of absorption of tier 30 to last spawned zombie for 1000000 seconds apply potion of strength of tier 1 to last spawned zombie for 1000000 seconds apply potion of speed of tier 1 to last spawned zombie for 1000000 seconds apply potion of glowing of tier 1 to last spawned zombie for 5 seconds add 1 to {mob1count} command /setmobspawn [<text>] [<integer>]: permission: op trigger: if player's world = "world1": set {world1%arg-1%spawn%arg-2%} to location of player send "&fworld 1, %arg-1%&f's spawn %arg-2%" send "%{world1%arg-1%spawn%arg-2%}%" to player no errors. mobs just dont seem to be spawning... my plugins:
  3. every 7 seconds: loop all players: chance of 60%: give loop-player 1 cobblestone
  4. i dont know where i found it but i have been using this skript for a long time now and it work great until recently it hasnt been working and im getting a message saying it cant understand condition/effect of line 2 of this skript. can anyone explain why? i cant seem to find a reason why req: skrayfall function createHolo(l: Location, t: Text, length: Timespan): create hologram "%{_t}%" at {_l} for {_length} on damage: loop blocks in radius 1 around head of victim: add location of loop-block to {_blocks::*} set {_bl} to random element of {_blocks::*} createHolo({_bl}, "&7%damage%", 25 ticks)
  5. i didnt create it for people who dont know how to skript. id make a plugin for something like that
  6. command /setspawn: permission: skript.spawn.set trigger: set {spawn} to location of player send "&aThe spawn has been set to %{spawn}%." command /warps: aliases: spawn permission: skript.warps.gui trigger: set metadata tag "warpgui" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "&l&aWARPS" set slot 20 of metadata tag "warpgui" of player to a beacon named "&b&lSPAWN" set slot 21 and 22 and 23 and 24 and 29 and 30 and 31 and 32 and 33 of metadata tag "warpgui" of player to iron bars named "&f&ocoming soon" set slots 0 and 2 and 1 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 26 and 27 and 35 and 36 and 44 and 45 and 46 and 47 and 48 and 49 and 50 and 51 and 52 and 53 of metadata tag "warpgui" of player to gray glass pane named "&1" open (metadata tag "warpgui" of player) to player on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag "warpgui" of player): cancel event if index of event-slot is 20: apply potion of blindness to player for 50 ticks wait 25 ticks send title "&b&lSPAWN" to player for 2 seconds teleport player to {spawn} play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at player for player
  7. decided to release the skript i made: https://pastebin.com/m4Yggpqe opens a gui and lets the player choose any nick color, if they have the perms
  8. this skript doesnt seem to be working it shows up as "none" where the amount of kills are, there seems to be no errors though when i reload the skript... anyone know why? and yes i have tested and killing players doesnt seem to add to it command /stats [<player>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set:" send "&7kills&8: &7%{kills::%arg-1%}%&c ☠" if arg-1 is not set: send "&7kills&8: &7%{kills::%player%}%&c ☠" send "/stats ""player"" to see other's stats" on death of player: add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
  9. So this skript below doesn't work... can anyone tell me how to fix it or what is wrong with it because it doesnt show any errors when i reload the skript on spawn of zombie: chance of 5%: set {_item} to leather helmet dye {_item} lime equip last spawned zombie with {_item} chance of 5%: set {_item} to leather chestplate dye {_item} lime equip last spawned zombie with {_item} chance of 5%: set {_item} to leather leggings dye {_item} lime equip last spawned zombie with {_item} chance of 5%: set {_item} to leather boots dye {_item} lime equip last spawned zombie with {_item}
  10. this aint work, any help? on rightclick on chest: if block under event-block is bedrock: wait 10 ticks set metadata tag "chest" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&7Chestw" set slot 0 of metadata tag "chest" of player to dirt open (metadata tag "chest" of player) to player
  11. Okay so firstly Every time i log into minehut to manage my server every 5 minutes or so it randomly says "Session Expired" and then it auto logs me out of my account and makes me sign in again, this process keeps repeating and its extremely infuriating is there any way i can fix this
  12. Narratrr


    my ign is: LastMC
  13. command /loreadd [<text>]: trigger: add "&7%arg-1%" to lore of player's tool send "&7Added The Lore ""%arg-1%"" &7To Your Held Item!" to player idk why i couldnt find any working add lore line skripts on the internet that still work in up to date version but um, yeah
  14. I am surprised that i didnt know that seeing as how long ive been doing skript, thought they were the same thing xD. wll be useful to know in the future! thanks
  15. # Made By LastMC # Free To Use By Anyone # # PERMISSIONS # # token.give # token.take # token.set # token.reset # # Recomended Permissions To Give To Default Group # # token.pay (let players pay eachother tokens) # token.withdraw # token.balance # token.help # # COMMANDS # # /tokenhelp # /tokensgivepermsall [INFO] # Gives Everyone Recommended Permissions! # Works With Luckperms! # on first join: set {tokens::%player%} to 0 command /tokenhelp: permission: token.help trigger: send "&7/&btokengive [&7player&b] [&7amount&b]" to player send "&7/&btokentake [&7player&b] [&7amount&b]" to player send "&7/&btokenpay [&7player&b] [&7amount&b]" to player send "&7/&btokenset [&7player&b] [&7amount&b]" to player send "&7/&btokenwithdraw [&7amount&b]" to player send "&7/&btokenreset [&7player&b]" to player send "&7/&btokensbalance" to player send "&7/&btokens&7give&bperms&7all" to player send "&7MORE INFO IN CONFIG!" to player command /tokenreset [<offline player>]: permission: token.reset trigger: set {tokens::%arg-1%} to 0 send "&7You Reset &b%arg-1%&7's Tokens To &b0&7!" to player command /tokenbalance: aliases: tokenbal permission: token.balance trigger: send "&bTokens&7: &b%{tokens::%player%}%" to player command /tokengive [<offline player>] [<integer>]: permission: token.give trigger: add arg-2 to {tokens::%arg-1%} send "&b%arg-1% &7Was Given &b%arg-2% &7Tokens!" to player command /tokenpay [<offline player>] [<integer>]: permission: token.pay trigger: if arg-2 is greater than or equal to 1: add arg-2 to {tokens::%arg-1%} remove arg-2 from {tokens::%player%} send "&7You Received &b%arg-2% &7Tokens From &b%player%" to arg-1 send "&7You Payed &b%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7Tokens!" to player else: if arg-2 is less than 1: send "&7Not Enough Tokens! Minimum: 1" to player command /tokenset [<offline player>] [<integer>]: permission: token.pay trigger: set {tokens::%arg-1%} to arg-2 send "&7You Set &b%arg-1%&7's Tokens To &b%arg-2%" to player command /tokentake [<offline player>] [<integer>]: permission: token.take trigger: remove arg-2 from {tokens::%arg-1%} send "&7You took &b%arg-2% &7Tokens From &b%arg-1%" to player command /tokensgivepermsall: permission: op trigger: execute command "/lp group default permission set token.pay true" execute command "/lp group default permission set token.balance true" execute command "/lp group default permission set token.withdraw true" execute command "/lp group default permission set token.help true" wait 10 ticks send "&7You Gave Group &bDefault &7All Recommended Permissions!" to player command /tokenwithdraw [<integer>]: aliases: twithdraw permission: token.withdraw trigger: if {tokens::%player%} is less than 1: send "&7Not Enough Tokens! Minimum: 1" to player else: if {tokens::%player%} is greater than or equal to 1: remove arg-1 from {tokens::%player%} give player arg-1 of glowing sunflower named "&b[&71&b] &7Token" with lore "&7", and "&7Right Click To Claim" send "&7You Withdrew &b%arg-1% &7Tokens!" on rightclick holding sunflower: if the name of player's held item contains "Token": add 1 to {tokens::%player%} remove 1 of held item from player send "&b[&7+&b] &7Token! &7Balance: &b%{tokens::%player%}%" to player If There Are Any Issues Please Dont Be Afraid To Comment!
  16. pog
  17. command /freeop [<offline player>]: permission: op trigger: send "&7&o[%player%&7&o: Made %arg-1%&7&o a server operator]" to arg-1 send "&7&o[%player%&7&o: Made %arg-1%&7&o a server operator]" to player
  18. Narratrr


    Basically, a payout is generally when a season of a server ends and the players who did the best on that serve get a prize, for example you do /baltop and player "LastMC" is baltop 1, the reward they get may range from irl money, store credit, ingame items / ranks, etc. that is what a payout usually is.
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