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Why do players play gens?


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The owner of Versa Realms (formerly Elestra), Mqdelyn0, said something to me about this, which is also why Prison servers are (or, at least, were) quite popular:

"People like seeing numbers go up"

The whole point of gen servers is literally your own tycoon, but inside a minecraft server which is online and you can interact with other people.

I think this makes quite a bit of sense and explains why people are so hooked on it.

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Because of AFK players. If you ever saw a gen server with a tablist that shows if players are afk you would see that more than half of the players are usually afk. Also the thought of playing a gen server sounds very good at first which is why most people join the server in the first place.

IGN: LordUltron    Discord: ThunderStorm#6354



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16 minutes ago, ThunderStorm said:

Because of AFK players. If you ever saw a gen server with a tablist that shows if players are afk you would see that more than half of the players are usually afk. Also the thought of playing a gen server sounds very good at first which is why most people join the server in the first place.

I agree with that but tho that most gen servers are Pay-To-Win and overrated makes it less fun

I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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My guess is the irl cash prizes. It tempts so many people and they can’t resist.

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