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Unable to rejoin server.



Players are rarely able to join the server (Yes, it's online... Yes the accounts are offical legit Minecraft accounts). If they manage to get in, and then leave, they can't rejoin back. They get the error message Exception Connecting:ReadTimeoutException: null 

I have storage left around 800-1200, and have tried multiple things such as checking configs, deleting plugins, restarting the server, etc.



--- AbusingNub ---

-- Owner of the DevilsNetwork --

◉ DevilsPvP.minehut.gg

◉ BridgesWar.minehut.gg

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3 answers to this question

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Does the server crash whenever someone tries to join or does it just not let people join even if it is fully online? Are you able to send me your server logs here in a pastebin.com after the server is fully online then some people trying to join. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


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1 hour ago, _Tarna_ said:

Does the server crash whenever someone tries to join or does it just not let people join even if it is fully online? Are you able to send me your server logs here in a pastebin.com after the server is fully online then some people trying to join. 

It doesn't let people join, if they do manage to get into the server, then leave they are again, not able to join. After ages the user gets an error as mentioned above. How do I get logs?

--- AbusingNub ---

-- Owner of the DevilsNetwork --

◉ DevilsPvP.minehut.gg

◉ BridgesWar.minehut.gg

Here to lend a helping hand.


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It seems as if something corrupted very badly which was very important. Do you mind sharing with us, in a http://pastebin.com/, your server's logs? Here is a guide I made on how to access your latest logs:


Hope this helps!

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