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How to use keybinding?

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I don't know how to add keybinding to skript, I want to create a custom item which shoots a enderpearl when you click "x" but I don't know how to use keybinding in skript. 

My code is: 

command /Endaxe:
        give player 1 netherite axe named "&5&lEND AXE" with lore "" and "&b&lWe are one"

on damage:
    if name of attacker's held item is "&5&lEND AXE":
        add 200 to the damage

on pressing x holding netherite axe:
    if name of player's held item is "&5&lEND AXE":
        shoot Enderpearl at speed 5

Can someone please help me

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I am not 100% confident in what I am going to say.. but..

I don't think it is possible to do "keybinding" in skript currently. I could be wrong, but I can't seem to find anything to point to it existing.

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37 minutes ago, Mike1-481- said:

I don't know how to add keybinding to skript, I want to create a custom item which shoots a enderpearl when you click "x" but I don't know how to use keybinding in skript. 

My code is: 

command /Endaxe:
        give player 1 netherite axe named "&5&lEND AXE" with lore "" and "&b&lWe are one"

on damage:
    if name of attacker's held item is "&5&lEND AXE":
        add 200 to the damage

on pressing x holding netherite axe:
    if name of player's held item is "&5&lEND AXE":
        shoot Enderpearl at speed 5

Can someone please help me

Sadly, that's not possible unless you have client-side modifications.

Hello there! If you're reading this, hope you're having a wonderful day!


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Also, don't hesitate to leave a like on my post if I helped you in any way.

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