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Everything posted by CollinUpp

  1. ow it only works when you're in gamemode creative.
  2. Hey, I hope this is what you want. on place of oak pressure plate: set {pressureplateloc} to location of event-block send "&e&lLOCATION &7| &6Location set" to player on pressure plate: if {pressureplateloc} is set: give player 1 diamond send "&c&lHey&7, you've got 1 diamond!" to player on break of oak pressure plate: delete {pressureplateloc} send "&e&lLOCATION &7| &6Location unset" to player
  3. Rosa, you can just make custom kits with skript tho? for example: command /kit [<text>] [<offline player>]: cooldown: 10 minutes cooldown message: &c&lHey&7, wait 10 minutes for your kit! trigger: if arg-2 is set: set {_p} to arg-2 else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is "starter": give {_p} 1 leather helmet named "&6&lStarter Helmet" give {_p} 1 leather chestplate named "&6&lStarter Chestplate" give {_p} 1 leather leggings named "&6&lStarter Leggings" give {_p} 1 leather boots named "&6&lStarter Boots"
  4. Hey, im sorry I wanted to make a gen server bc I was bored and I ran into an issue the issue is when you place a block with a name it placed but it doesn't do anything but it doesn't give any errors on place of coarse dirt: set {_a} to item amount of player's held item set {_p} to player set {_u} to player's uuid if {gc::%{_u}%} >= {gencap::%{_u}%}: wait 2 ticks if player's held item is {_a} of {@dirtgen}: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::dirt::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} send "&a&lGENERATOR &7» &6&lDirt &6Gen &fplaced %{gc::%{_u}%}%/%{gencap::%{_u}%}%" to player
  5. Hello, im trying to make a sell level up system for my server, but everything what I do won't work I wanna ask if someone can show me how to make one kind regards Collin
  6. sorry for the late reaction, I found out how to fix it. ty for y'all's time
  7. for example mine: &f%{kills::%loop-player's uuid%}/{deaths::%loop-player's uuid%}%"
  8. what are your kills and death variables?
  9. if you replace {_total} to 100 for example it works but if I add {_1} to it won't work somehow
  10. hi, I wanted to make a /sell command but it works fine it won't give me any errors and the items that should be sold gets removed from inventory but it won't give u the money I hope someone can help here is the skript: command /sell: trigger: set {_dirt} to amount of all brown dye named "&6&lDirt &6Drop" with lore "&7" and "&a&lINFO:" and " &7Tier: &2&l1" and " &7Sell Value: &2&l$4" and "&7" and "&a&lDROP" in player's inventory remove all brown dye named "&6&lDirt &6Drop" with lore "&7" and "&a&lINFO:" and " &7Tier: &2&l1" and " &7Sell Value: &2&l$4" and "&7" and "&a&lDROP" from player's inventory set {_1} to {_dirt}*4*{mutli::%player's uuid%} play sound "block.note_block.chime" with volume 3 to player set {_total} to {_1} send "<##ba00fb>&lB<##c700de>&la<##d500c1>&ln<##e200a4>&lU<##f00087>&lp<##fd006a>&lp&r &8» &5You sold all items for &7$%{_total}%" add {_total} to player's balance
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