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Everything posted by Mike1-481-

  1. Also how do you get a rank on the forms? Mine currently says "Newbie", I just want to ask how do you change that?
  2. Is there any way to give to on rightclick event on a off hand item? The code I made only works when the shield is in the main hand but I want it to work in both hands. Here is my code: command /shield: trigger: give player 1 netherite sword named "&b&lSpecial Shield" on damage: if name of attacker's held item is "&b&lSpecial Shield": add 200 to the damage on rightclick holding netherite sword: if name of player's held item is "&b&lSpecial Shield": make player execute command "/effect give @p minecraft:fire_resistance 999999 255" make player execute command "/effect give @p minecraft:slow_falling 999999 255" make player execute command "/effect give @p minecraft:night_vision 999999" make player execute command "/effect give @p minecraft:conduit_power 999999" make player execute command "/effect give @p minecraft:haste 999999 255" make player execute command "/effect give @p minecraft:strength 999999 255" make player execute command "/effect give @p minecraft:instant_health 999999" make player execute command "/effect give @p minecraft:invisibility 999999" make player execute command "/effect give @p minecraft:resistance 999999 255" make player execute command "/summon minecraft:lightning_bolt" make player execute command "/weather storm" make player execute command "/give @p milk_bucket 1"
  3. How can you get a rank on the minehut lobby. Also is the rank in the lobby connected with the on on the form? If not, how do you get a rank on the forms?
  4. I am trying to prank some of my friends on a server I have and I wanted the nickname to show up in the death message, I already managed use the nickname with the join/leave message, chat, and in the tab bar. However, I can't make the nickname show up in the death message therefore the prank won't be that real and funny. If you know how to do this please answer how. Thank you for looking threw this message.
  5. My keep inventory is always on for some reason (/gamerule keepinventory false doesn't work) this has never happened to me and I have almost no idea why, I think it could be because it is because of a plugin but I don't know which plugin. I have installed I am using Spigot (1.17): Armored Elyra, CoreProtect, EssentialsChat, EssentialsX, NESS Anit-Cheat, NoCheatPlus (Anti-Cheat), Permissions Ex, Skript, TAB REBORN, Vault and WorldEdit. Can someone please help with this problem, I want to start a 1.17 server as soon as possible.
  6. My problem was that /nick didn't even work when I tried it with luck perms.
  7. I don't know how to add keybinding to skript, I want to create a custom item which shoots a enderpearl when you click "x" but I don't know how to use keybinding in skript. My code is: command /Endaxe: trigger: give player 1 netherite axe named "&5&lEND AXE" with lore "" and "&b&lWe are one" on damage: if name of attacker's held item is "&5&lEND AXE": add 200 to the damage on pressing x holding netherite axe: if name of player's held item is "&5&lEND AXE": shoot Enderpearl at speed 5 Can someone please help me
  8. When I added ranks onto my server I wanted to prank my friends on the server by using /nick and changing my skin. However, I found out /nick doesn't work anymore. When I removed luck perms /nick started working again. Is there any way to make luck perms work with /nick on EssentialX?
  9. Is there any way to make ranks and nicknames show up on the join text. Also, is there a plugins, Datapacks or YouTube tutorials on the minehut YouTube channel for it?
  10. I put my logs into pastebin. However, I don't know what to do with them and here they are https://pastebin.com/vJZ3JhLF
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