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How to use the Randomizer Plugin


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M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q




What is Randomizer?

Randomizer is a simple to use plugin that randomizes drops that you get from certain blocks. For example, you could get a diamond from a stone block.

How do you set up and use the randomizer plugin?

To set up the randomizer plugin, you can run the /randomizer shuffle command and you should receive a message saying that random pairs have been regenerated.


Now, every time you break a block, you should receive a random drop. If you do not like the drops that you receive, you can run the command again for different drops to be shuffled around.

To stop Randomizer, you can run /randomizer stop and you should receive normal drops for every block and to restart Randomizer, you can run /randomizer start.

If you do not like the drops that you receive when you shuffle them around, you could head down to your server’s file manager, click here, and customize them around through Plugins -> Randomizer -> config.yml.


Require further assistance?

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📎  https://youtu.be/uhxd8dY24O8

Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team

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  • Untreated changed the title to How to use the Randomizer Plugin

Great CFAQ. Looks awesome! I saw this plugin featured on a MH YouTube Video, nice to see a CFAQ on it. 🙂


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Seems like an awesome plugin to add to mini-game servers and an awesome way to spice up survival with friends! Very useful plugin and thank you a lot for the CFAQ! Hope to be able to use it one day!

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Nice CFAQ. This plugin looks cool

Discord - tarna256

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