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Forge, snapshots and others things?


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I think that Minehut should have the software option because Aternos and PloudOS. Minehut's biggest free server hosting Competitors have it. 

Minehut in my opinion has the best performance. Its the best lagless servers and it has amazing Performance 

Aternos and PloudOS both allow something that Minehut doesn't even have the options for and am not judging the Owners or workers because it would make work even harder. But I think that Minehut could get A massive amount of new users if a server hoster with amazing server Performance but allowing Users to choose their Software option will just hit Minehut's best. Its a free Minecraft hoster it will become more and more Popular even Maybe being able to take on Other Server Hosting sites. Like Aternos, PloudOS and many other  omegle  xender

I really hope that the Minehut Owners and workers look at this and think about it maybe not Instant but with time it can happen and Minehut would build its self an Empire in Minecraft Server hosting. 

If the Update or Upgrade would to happen I would reccomend that Minehut Users are at least reminded to tell their other friends using Aternos or PloudOS because of Software option or just want to use Forge, Fabric, Paper or Spigot,etc

I would recommend also that Lots of mods be added a few at first Like MrCrayFish's Controllable is an example. 

I really enjoy using minehut with my friends and I would love a software option because mods and plugins just make the game better then what it already is. 

Edited by ShepherdKai
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Mods are something that probably won't be added anytime soon but Minehut is currently working towards adding custom plugins and changeable version support. 

If you can view a full lust of what is currently planned here - https://github.com/Minehut/Meta/projects/2

And if something that isn't on there and you would like to suggest it, you can make an issue here - https://github.com/Minehut/Meta/issues/new/choose

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
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The issue with all these different server softwares is that Minehut is one big network. Having 10 different server-types makes it difficult to connect everything together in the way that Minehut does. Other server hosts don’t have this issue because they don’t have the lobby.

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