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I'm making skripts

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I am sometimes pretty good at skript. So, reply with what skript you want made and ill try to make it for you. Please try to give as much detail as possible.

Edited by SuperOrca



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Username: SuperOrca

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Experienced in Python, Java (mainly spigot), Javascript (node.js, basics of react.js), and Web Development. DM on discord me if you want a custom discord bot for your server (i'm bored).

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13 minutes ago, ethanpangx3 said:

i need a sc skirpt

Do you want it to be toggleable? Or when a message starts with a certain characters? Or just an /sc <msg> command?



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Username: SuperOrca

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Experienced in Python, Java (mainly spigot), Javascript (node.js, basics of react.js), and Web Development. DM on discord me if you want a custom discord bot for your server (i'm bored).

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    permission: staff.chat
    permission_message: &cNo Permission.
    format: &6&lSTAFF &e%player% &f%arg-1%
command /sc <text>:
    permission: {@permission}
    permission message: {@permission_message}
    usage: &c/sc <text>
    	send "{@format}" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]

Please tell me if there are any errors, and a like would be appreciated. 🙂

Edited by SuperOrca
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Username: SuperOrca

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Experienced in Python, Java (mainly spigot), Javascript (node.js, basics of react.js), and Web Development. DM on discord me if you want a custom discord bot for your server (i'm bored).

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Ive been looking for a skript that keeps track of the amount of broken blocks (all blocks broken by hand, pickaxe, axe etc)

When using /blocks to see the amount of blocks you mined

And only IF possible a /blocktop command wich shows the current top 5/10 (only do this if you are capable of doing so)

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I gotchu.


on block break:

  wait 1 tick

  event is not cancelled

  add 1 to {blocksbroken::%player's uuid%}


command /leaderboard-reload:
  permission: lb.reload
    send "&eReloading leaderboards..."
    wait 3 ticks
    reloadBoard("blocksbroken""Blocks Broken")
function reloadBoard(value: text, name: text):
  set {_sort::*} to sorted {%{_value}%::*} from highest to lowest with format "@index|@value"
  delete {top::%{_value}%::*}
  loop {_sort::*}:
    add 1 to {_i}
    set {_split::*} to split loop-value at "|"
    set {_split::1} to {_split::1} parsed as a offline player
    set {top::%{_value}%::%{_i}%} to "&6%{_i}%. &6%{_split::1}%&e: &f%{_split::2}% %{_name}%"
    if {_i} > 9:
      exit loop
  wait 1 tick
  delete holo {leaderboard.holo}
  wait 1 tick
  create a new hologram with lines ("&6Leaderboard &e| &fTop %{_name}%", and {top::%{_value}%::*}, at {hololoc} and store it in {leaderboard.holo}
command /leaderboard-location:
 permission: lb.setlocation
  set {hololoc} to player's location
every minute:
 execute console command "/leaderboard-reload"

Vertex Minehut Community. Discord, Forums Club. We make games. View more info on our most recent game HERE

image.png.14ed1ea60b5d4a3fc8d76bc712d3c2f5.png       image.png.f999a5fc4fc73f126ebb33d5da655ee7.png

Creating unique games with cool textures since 3/21/2021

Currently working on: SkTuber; Youtubers Life OMG in mc, and VertexGens; Unique gen server with less afking

Looking for developers. Contact Colton#4708

Leave a reaction such as a trophy or a heart if I helped you!

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18 hours ago, Vertex_Minehut said:

I gotchu.


on block break:

  wait 1 tick

  event is not cancelled

  add 1 to {blocksbroken::%player's uuid%}


command /leaderboard-reload:
  permission: lb.reload
    send "&eReloading leaderboards..."
    wait 3 ticks
    reloadBoard("blocksbroken""Blocks Broken")
function reloadBoard(value: text, name: text):
  set {_sort::*} to sorted {%{_value}%::*} from highest to lowest with format "@index|@value"
  delete {top::%{_value}%::*}
  loop {_sort::*}:
    add 1 to {_i}
    set {_split::*} to split loop-value at "|"
    set {_split::1} to {_split::1} parsed as a offline player
    set {top::%{_value}%::%{_i}%} to "&6%{_i}%. &6%{_split::1}%&e: &f%{_split::2}% %{_name}%"
    if {_i} > 9:
      exit loop
  wait 1 tick
  delete holo {leaderboard.holo}
  wait 1 tick
  create a new hologram with lines ("&6Leaderboard &e| &fTop %{_name}%", and {top::%{_value}%::*}, at {hololoc} and store it in {leaderboard.holo}
command /leaderboard-location:
 permission: lb.setlocation
  set {hololoc} to player's location
every minute:
 execute console command "/leaderboard-reload"

First of all. A thousand times thank you for taking your time to make a script.

But ive got 2 errors when reloading the skript.

Any extensions I miss maybe?

(already have the Holo extension installed)


Edited by Rmdouma
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2 hours ago, Rmdouma said:

First of all. A thousand times thank you for taking your time to make a script.

But ive got 2 errors when reloading the skript.

Any extensions I miss maybe?

(already have the Holo extension installed)



I'm a point out issues
#1 being you didn't use on mine but instead on break
In any case where you want blocks they actually broke you want to use
on mine this way it only runs when the player can actually break the block
for example using on break and breaking stone with your first would count as +1
but using on mine and breaking stone with your first wouldn't add +1

#2 this skript requires Skript-Holo for the creation of the holograms and MorkazSk for the sorting from highest to lowest make sure you have it installed

#3 You run into the issue with this it's due to the fact you've added a ( to the start but not the end of the string areas (which I don't think you even need the () to start with) along with a , at a spot that it isn't needed

create a new hologram with lines ("&6Leaderboard &e| &fTop %{_name}%", and {top::%{_value}%::*}, at {hololoc} and store it in {leaderboard.holo}

all you need to do to fix this is 

create a new hologram with lines ("&6Leaderboard &e| &fTop %{_name}%", and {top::%{_value}%::*}) at {hololoc} and store it in {leaderboard.holo}

if this doesn't fix it all then idk what else to say

I'm a guy yes but I am also human just like any female so why do you believe it's so wrong to cry too?

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shop skript.

i need it for my pvp server.


please join so i can show you what i would like

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do that ^^^^

i will heart back (i promise)


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22 hours ago, Fusezion said:


I'm a point out issues
#1 being you didn't use on mine but instead on break
In any case where you want blocks they actually broke you want to use
on mine this way it only runs when the player can actually break the block
for example using on break and breaking stone with your first would count as +1
but using on mine and breaking stone with your first wouldn't add +1

#2 this skript requires Skript-Holo for the creation of the holograms and MorkazSk for the sorting from highest to lowest make sure you have it installed

#3 You run into the issue with this it's due to the fact you've added a ( to the start but not the end of the string areas (which I don't think you even need the () to start with) along with a , at a spot that it isn't needed

create a new hologram with lines ("&6Leaderboard &e| &fTop %{_name}%", and {top::%{_value}%::*}, at {hololoc} and store it in {leaderboard.holo}

all you need to do to fix this is 

create a new hologram with lines ("&6Leaderboard &e| &fTop %{_name}%", and {top::%{_value}%::*}) at {hololoc} and store it in {leaderboard.holo}

if this doesn't fix it all then idk what else to say

Got it all working.

Thanks a bunch!

Also thanks again @Vertex_Minehut for creating the skript 🙂

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On 4/6/2021 at 3:26 PM, Rmdouma said:

Ive been looking for a skript that keeps track of the amount of broken blocks (all blocks broken by hand, pickaxe, axe etc)

When using /blocks to see the amount of blocks you mined

And only IF possible a /blocktop command wich shows the current top 5/10 (only do this if you are capable of doing so)

function sort(indices: strings, values: numbers, descending: boolean = true) :: strings:
	loop {_indices::*}:
		set {_sort::%{_values::%loop-index%}%.%loop-index%} to loop-value
	return (reversed {_sort::*}) if {_descending} is true, else {_sort::*}

on break:
	add 1 to {broken::%player's uuid%}

every 5 minutes:
	set {broken::*} to sorted((indices of {broken::*}), {broken::*})

command /blocktop:
		if (size of {broken::*}) >= 10:
			set {_n} to 1
			loop {broken::*}:
				set {_p} to loop-index parsed as a offline player
				send "%{_n}%. %{_p}%: %loop-value%"
				add 1 to {_n}
				if {_n} > 10:
					exit loop
			send "&cNot enough data."

I haven't tested it yet but please come back with errors if possible.

Edited by SuperOrca



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Username: SuperOrca

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Joined Minehut: August 10, 2017

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Experienced in Python, Java (mainly spigot), Javascript (node.js, basics of react.js), and Web Development. DM on discord me if you want a custom discord bot for your server (i'm bored).

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10 hours ago, Weeeoooooo said:

Make a gun skript but with a bat and that bat never go off the direction that its going at

Please explain with more detail.



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Username: SuperOrca

Discord: Link to Profile

Rank: [VIP]

Joined Minehut: August 10, 2017

Joined Forums: June 10, 2019


Experienced in Python, Java (mainly spigot), Javascript (node.js, basics of react.js), and Web Development. DM on discord me if you want a custom discord bot for your server (i'm bored).

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16 hours ago, tduygqwduyigqwiud said:

i really need a /dupe skript with a blacklist


	blacklist: command block and bedrock

command /dupe:
		give player tool if {@blacklist} does not contain type of tool




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Username: SuperOrca

Discord: Link to Profile

Rank: [VIP]

Joined Minehut: August 10, 2017

Joined Forums: June 10, 2019


Experienced in Python, Java (mainly spigot), Javascript (node.js, basics of react.js), and Web Development. DM on discord me if you want a custom discord bot for your server (i'm bored).

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4 minutes ago, pixelZgamer said:

Hello! Im in need of a generator skript! Can you skript that?

Sorry, im going to need a bit more information than that!

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Username: SuperOrca

Discord: Link to Profile

Rank: [VIP]

Joined Minehut: August 10, 2017

Joined Forums: June 10, 2019


Experienced in Python, Java (mainly spigot), Javascript (node.js, basics of react.js), and Web Development. DM on discord me if you want a custom discord bot for your server (i'm bored).

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38 minutes ago, SuperOrca said:

Sorry, im going to need a bit more information than that!


33 minutes ago, pixelZgamer said:

Like every 5 seconds it spawns like an item above it and you Shift rightclick to upgrade if you have enough money.


If you need more info contact my discord @ pixachuu#4237

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On 4/8/2021 at 7:37 PM, SuperOrca said:

Please explain with more detail.

A stick that shoots a bat lets say the yaw was 120 the if the bat goes to yaw 119 or 121 it cant why because the bat will only go to yaw 120 [where player is facing this includes the pitch too]

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On 4/6/2021 at 5:59 AM, SuperOrca said:

I am sometimes pretty good at skript. So, reply with what skript you want made and ill try to make it for you. Please try to give as much detail as possible.

Hi can you please make a /start command that teleports you to the plot world and auto claims a plot for you and make you go to your plot because im trying to make a gens server and i really need one

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