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  1. on death: make console execute /ban %player% &fYou have died. Thats litteraly it
  2. P.S. - IF its released on minehut, it will become annying, having to retype it because copy and pasting does not work in code for me. & also, Its currently in Pre-Alpha phase, so please do not contact until i release yet another message saying its in beta. Thank you! -Pixachuu
  3. So, I made a /promote plugin with a twist, although, I want to know if it would be useful. But the twist, is ID promotions. So like this, "/promote (player) [your id]" And if the ID does not connect to any rank, it would say "Invalid Rank ID. Please enter a correct rank id." & it also includes a promotion cooldown and a really complicated owner code. Ive worked hard, its done. If you want it in beta, contact me on discord at ThatFunnyDolphin#4237. I will also release a poll after beta, to release it on minehut, or spigot. With all of my skripting knowladge, -Pixachuu
  4. Hello, This is a big broblem, now im having to skript these guis, and its taking valuable time. I need to get my server up, And start cashing out for my anual 100$ awards. My staff requested a /grant command. May you please update GroupManager? My staff may quit soon!
  5. I just updated the skript! VIP is donezo Just have 5 more to goo and i can just copy and paste then ill compress it into a file
  6. oops messed up give me a sec command /grant [<player>]: permission: command.grant permission message: No perms. trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cYou need to select a player!" if arg-1 is set: create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 10 with green wool named "&2&lVIP" format gui slot 11 with blue wool named "&1&lMVP" format gui slot 12 with yellow wool named "&e&lElite" format gui slot 13 with light blue wool named "&b&lLegend" format gui slot 13 with purple wool "&5&lPro" format gui slot 14 with cookie named "&0&lO&f&lr&0&le&r&lo" open last gui to player on inventory click: inventory name of current inventory of player is "&6&lGrant Ranks": cancel event clicked slot is 10: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 10 with red wool named "&c30m" format gui slot 11 with blue wool named "&e1h" format gui slot 12 with lime wool named "&a24h" format gui slot 13 with purple wool named "&5Perm" open last gui to player clicked slot is 10: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% vip! to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set vip set {_grant::vip::%uuid of arg-1%} to 1800 clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop clicked slot is 11: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% vip! to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set vip set {_grant::vip::%uuid of arg-1%} to 3600 stop clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop clicked slot is 12: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% vip! to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set vip set {_grant::vip::%uuid of arg-1%} to 86400 clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop clicked slot is 13: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% vip! to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set vip clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop every 5 seconds: loop {_grant::vip::*}: remove 5 from {_grant::vip::*} if {_grant::vip::*} is >= 0: send "&7%loop-value%'s rank has expired. Use /grant to grant them more time!" to loop-player where [input has permission "command.grant"] make console execute /lp user %loop-value% parent set default stop clicked slot is 11: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 10 with red wool named "&c30m" format gui slot 11 with blue wool named "&e1h" format gui slot 12 with lime wool named "&a24h" format gui slot 13 with purple wool named "&5Perm" open last gui to player clicked slot is 10: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% mvp! to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set mvp set {_grant::mvp::%uuid of arg-1%} to 1800 clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop clicked slot is 11: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% mvp! to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set mvp set {_grant::mvp::%uuid of arg-1%} to 3600 stop clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop clicked slot is 12: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% mvp! to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set mvp set {_grant::mvp::%uuid of arg-1%} to 86400 clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop clicked slot is 13: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% mvp! to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set mvp clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop every 5 seconds: loop {_grant::mvp::*}: remove 5 from {_grant::mvp::*} if {_grant::mvp::*} is >= 0: send "&7%loop-value%'s rank has expired. Use /grant to grant them more time!" to loop-player where [input has permission "command.grant"] make console execute /lp user %loop-value% parent set default stop clicked slot is 12: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 10 with red wool named "&c30m" format gui slot 11 with blue wool named "&e1h" format gui slot 12 with lime wool named "&a24h" format gui slot 13 with purple wool named "&5Perm" open last gui to player clicked slot is 10: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% Elite!" to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set elite set {_grant::elite::%uuid of arg-1%} to 1800 clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop clicked slot is 11: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% Elite!" to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set elite set {_grant::elite::%uuid of arg-1%} to 3600 stop clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop clicked slot is 12: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% Elite!" to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set elite set {_grant::elite::%uuid of arg-1%} to 86400 clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop clicked slot is 13: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 13 with red wool named "&cCancel" format gui slot 15 with green wool named "&aConfirm" open last gui to player clicked spot is 15: close send "&aSuccessfuly granted %arg-1% Elite!" to player make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set elite clicked spot is 13: close send "&4Caneled grant." to player stop every 5 seconds: loop {_grant::elite::*}: remove 5 from {_grant::elite::*} if {_grant::elite::*} is >= 0: send "&7%loop-value%'s rank has expired. Use /grant to grant them more time!" to loop-player where [input has permission "command.grant"] make console execute /lp user %loop-value% parent set default stop If you want it dm me on discord idkwhattoputhere#4237
  7. command /grant [<player>]: permission: command.grant permission message: No perms. trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cYou need to select a player!" if arg-1 is set: create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 10 with green wool named "&2&lVIP" format gui slot 11 with blue wool named "&b&lMVP" open last gui to player on inventory click: inventory name of current inventory of player is "&6&lGrant Ranks": cancel event clicked slot is 10: close create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&6&lGrant Ranks" with 3 rows: format gui slot 10 with red wool named "&c30m" format gui slot 11 with blue wool named "&e1h" format gui slot 12 with lime wool named "&a24h" format gui slot 13 with blue wool named "&5Perm" clicked slot is 10: close send "&aSucsessfuly granted %arg-1% vip! make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set vip wait 1800 seconds send "&7%arg-1%'s rank has expired. Use /grant to grant them more time!" make console execute /lp user %arg-1% parent set default
  8. Im workin on makin teh skrip u have me like the actual plugin with grant times and stuff, Its taking long but aill post the finished producat later! I hope i works ;-;'
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