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A simple /setrank skript.

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Did you really just include a GroupManager version lmaooo

It has been years since I heard that name.

If I at all helped, please react to my post with a ❤


DISCORD orvit#0001

Default | June 2016
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Back | June 11, 2021

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11 hours ago, lolorvit said:

Did you really just include a GroupManager version lmaooo

It has been years since I heard that name.

Mhm! Some people still use groupmanager so I decided to include a version for them :).

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On 3/24/2021 at 4:13 PM, Detth said:

Hey! I decided to code a setrank skript for the people in need of it. No need to credit me if you use it in your server 🙂

PermissionsEx: setrank.sk

LuckPerms: setrank.sk

GroupManager (for the og's out there): setrank.sk




i still use groupmanager, its nice and simple, luckperms is just all over the place.

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7 hours ago, Detth said:

That's true. LuckPerms has to much commands its confusing, lol.

their online web editor is really easy to use

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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