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Accidentally hit my keyboard too many times and typed in 322k instead of 32 when spawning in items with /give



So uhhh my server won't start cuz i spawned in 322k items which is like 6 times the amount of items people spawn in by accident. I've been restarting the server and doing /kill @e and such for like 2 hours now. Any suggestions?

Edited by pinetheberry
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If the server is running perfectly fine, but it keeps crashing your game, once the servers up run /kill @e[type=item] in the command line via dashboard.

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Well, that often doesnt work if you have essentailsX installed into your server, this will send a invalid command, so you would need to do; /execute run kill @e[type=item]

Mind you, this will do absoloute vannila commands, with even means you can do /reload, wich you should not do, minehut disabled it for the reason  ok soo yea cool stuff :3

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2 hours ago, tigero9 said:

If the server is running perfectly fine, but it keeps crashing your game, once the servers up run /kill @e[type=item] in the command line via dashboard.

The server still isn't letting me join after using the command multiple times, does it take a little bit for the command to take affect?

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6 hours ago, Supreme_Shadowz131 said:

did u end up finding a fix? I just ran into this problem 😕

Without joining the server, follow the steps below on the minehut dashboard's console, not in the server itself. Here is how to do that with the console:

How to clear entities:

1) Press "ACTIVATE" on the server you want to enable command blocks on

2) Press "EDIT SERVER" or "CONTINUE" to go to your main server editor

3) Scroll down a little bit and enter the following in the console and press enter:

kill @e[type=! player]

3) Afterwards, wait a few seconds then type "save-all" in the console and enter

4) Restart the server, and try to join.


Also, @Supreme_Shadowz131 please do not necropost.

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