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Vault economy



I have been setting up my server, and watching the video from your youtube channel on how to set up a scoreboard. It was really helpful, but I go stuck on setting up the balance. This will be an important part of my server, but it shows up as $%vault_eco_balance_formatted% in game. This was the exact command I put in. 

      - "&a$%vault_eco_balance_formatted%"

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That's strange, sorry to hear that. The tutorial might be out of date, unfortunately. It also appears that the plugin featured in the video hasn't been updated on Minehut in awhile, as the plugin author hasn't updated the plugin recently.


You could try researching on the plugin's spigot page, other than that I'm not too sure, unfortunately. Sorry!


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6 hours ago, Drizz_darkelf said:

I have been setting up my server, and watching the video from your youtube channel on how to set up a scoreboard. It was really helpful, but I go stuck on setting up the balance. This will be an important part of my server, but it shows up as $%vault_eco_balance_formatted% in game. This was the exact command I put in. 

      - "&a$%vault_eco_balance_formatted%"

You can use skript and skRayFall you create your own scoreboard




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Are you using placeholder api? Make sure you have the papi extension downloaded. Do /papi ecloud download vault. Then /papi reload. After that, reload your scoreboard plugin.

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1 hour ago, Drizz_darkelf said:

Is there a link as to how I would do that. Also is it possible to get rid of the essentials balance system. I ended up with two from separate plugins.

Hey. If you want to create a Scoreboard, purely with Skript, keeping Essentials economy, then this is how you can do so:

First off, install/make sure you have these plugins: Skript, SkBee, skript-placeholders, PlaceholderAPI, Vault, Essentials. Of-course, restart the server.

Then execute /papi ecloud download Vault.

And then /papi reload.

After that, make a new file called scoreboard.sk in directory path /plugins/Skript/scripts/.

Paste this in it (You can edit this according to your needs):

    updatedelay: 5
    title: &c&lTitle
    # You can change this as per your needs.

on join:
    set title of player's scoreboard to {@title}
    while player is online:
        set line 3 of player's scoreboard to "Line 1"
        set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "Line 2"
        # This is how to set a variable to PlaceholderAPI placeholder
        set {_placeholder} to placeholder "%%vault_eco_balance_formatted%%" from player
        set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "Balance: $%{_placeholder}%"
        wait {@updatedelay} second

on disconnect:
    clear player's scoreboard

Like that, you can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders within skript.

Use /sk reload scoreboard to load in the new changes.

The main positive point about having a Skript scoreboard is, you have an endless customization power to design your scoreboard (e.g. conditions, etc.).


I've not tested this, please do so, and update me with the the results/errors if any.

Hello there! If you're reading this, hope you're having a wonderful day!


Feel free to contact me via Discord (CoolProgrammer#1920) for any help.

My DMs are always open for help.

You can also message via. forum messages for help.


Also, don't hesitate to leave a like on my post if I helped you in any way.

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10 hours ago, CoolProgrammer said:

Hey. If you want to create a Scoreboard, purely with Skript, keeping Essentials economy, then this is how you can do so:

First off, install/make sure you have these plugins: Skript, SkBee, skript-placeholders, PlaceholderAPI, Vault, Essentials. Of-course, restart the server.

Then execute /papi ecloud download Vault.

And then /papi reload.

After that, make a new file called scoreboard.sk in directory path /plugins/Skript/scripts/.

Paste this in it (You can edit this according to your needs):

    updatedelay: 5
    title: &c&lTitle
    # You can change this as per your needs.

on join:
    set title of player's scoreboard to {@title}
    while player is online:
        set line 3 of player's scoreboard to "Line 1"
        set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "Line 2"
        # This is how to set a variable to PlaceholderAPI placeholder
        set {_placeholder} to placeholder "%%vault_eco_balance_formatted%%" from player
        set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "Balance: $%{_placeholder}%"
        wait {@updatedelay} second

on disconnect:
    clear player's scoreboard

Like that, you can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders within skript.

Use /sk reload scoreboard to load in the new changes.

The main positive point about having a Skript scoreboard is, you have an endless customization power to design your scoreboard (e.g. conditions, etc.).


I've not tested this, please do so, and update me with the the results/errors if any.

Thanks, that seems like it would be helpful, but right now I am using the free version, so I have limited plugins. I am hoping to develop a server that pays for itself using in-game currency, but until then I am limited on plugins. Is it possible to do this using just script or a minimal amount of plugins. I already have vault, essentials, placeholder api, and skript, and I could probably get one more. However I have 12 plugins right now, and most of them are needed. Getting rid of one is ok, but I think getting rid of two would be counter-productive.

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Just now, Drizz_darkelf said:

Thanks, that seems like it would be helpful, but right now I am using the free version, so I have limited plugins. I am hoping to develop a server that pays for itself using in-game currency, but until then I am limited on plugins. Is it possible to do this using just script or a minimal amount of plugins. I already have vault, essentials, placeholder api, and skript, and I could probably get one more. However I have 12 plugins right now, and most of them are needed. Getting rid of one is ok, but I think getting rid of two would be counter-productive.

If not, I don't need a scoreboard, so it's not a big deal.

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