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How do I fix this? ONLY 1 error, please help!


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Skript: Money Generator

  1. on join:
  2.     wait 1 tick
  3.     while player is alive:
  4.         if blocks in radius 10 of player contains emerald block:
  5.             add 4 to player's balance
  6.             send "&a&l+ $4" to player
  7.             wait 1 second
Ingame it says: Encountered 1 Error, (In line 5)
Edited by Skripter01
Forgot a few details.
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On 9/14/2020 at 10:14 AM, Skripter01 said:

Skript: Money Generator

  1. on join:
  2.     wait 1 tick
  3.     while player is alive:
  4.         if blocks in radius 10 of player contains emerald block:
  5.             add 4 to player's balance
  6.             send "&a&l+ $4" to player
  7.             wait 1 second
Ingame it says: Encountered 1 Error, (In line 5)

Yes, TheGoose is right, you should install the SkVault or Vault plugin if you want it to work, otherwise it will result in an error.

Hope that helps!

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  1. on join:
  2.     wait 1 tick
  3.     while player is alive:
  4.         if blocks in radius 10 of player contains emerald block:
  5.             add 4 to player's balance
  6.             send "&a&l+ $4" to player
  7.             wait 1 second
even if line 5 was correct, the skript alone wouldn't work. you have to use variables

    wait 1 tick
    while player is alive:
        if blocks in radius 10 of player contains emerald block:
        add 4 to {balance}
        send "&a&l+ $4" to player
        wait 1 second

command balance:
    send "&aBalance: &e{balance}" to player

# if you want to make it so you can purchase things tell me and ill add that

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24 minutes ago, Tmoa said:
  1. on join:
  2.     wait 1 tick
  3.     while player is alive:
  4.         if blocks in radius 10 of player contains emerald block:
  5.             add 4 to player's balance
  6.             send "&a&l+ $4" to player
  7.             wait 1 second
even if line 5 was correct, the skript alone wouldn't work. you have to use variables

    wait 1 tick
    while player is alive:
        if blocks in radius 10 of player contains emerald block:
        add 4 to {balance}
        send "&a&l+ $4" to player
        wait 1 second

command balance:
    send "&aBalance: &e{balance}" to player

# if you want to make it so you can purchase things tell me and ill add that

Yours won't work. They are probably using vault and Essentials eco so they are using add 4 to player's balance so it will add to that balance. Adding to the variable {balance} does not add to the essentials eco and is also a global variable. So everyone will have the same amount of money. And your indents were wrong too. 

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on join:
    wait 1 tick
    while player is alive:
        if blocks in radius 10 of player contains emerald block:
            add 4 to player's balance
            send "&a&l+ $4" to player
            wait 1 second

See, Skript treats "balance" as in the balance you have in Vault/SkVault. If you do not have them installed, I suggest making your own economy with variables. Here's a balance script I just made:

command /balance [<text>] [<number>] [<offlineplayer>]:
	aliases: bal
		if {bal::%player's uuid%} is not set:
			set {bal::%player's uuid%} to 0
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&aBalance: &a{bal::%player's uuid%}" to player
		else if arg-1 is "add":
			if player has permission "bal.add":
				if arg-2 is not set:
					send "&cYou must set the number of coins to add" to player
				if arg-3 is not set:
					add arg-2 to {bal::%player's uuid%}
					send "&bAdded &c$%arg-2%&b to your balance" to player
		else if arg-1 is remove:
			if player has permission "bal.remove":
				if arg-2 is not set:
					send "&cYou must set the number of coins to remove" to player
				if arg-3 is not set:
					remove arg-2 from {bal::%player's uuid%}
					send "&bRemoved &c$%arg-2%&b from your balance" to player




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