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Everything posted by Uravunos

  1. Yes, TheGoose is right, you should install the SkVault or Vault plugin if you want it to work, otherwise it will result in an error. Hope that helps!
  2. Hello choodles, I believe I understand why! as you may have noticed, set the 1st line of {location} to “Test” gets parsed correctly, in other words, skript will tell you it has been ‘loaded without any errors’. Although when skript sees {location}, it is looking for a block rather than a set of coordinates (check this skript hub page for reference https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=978https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=978) As you can see, it says the expression must go like this: line (number of line goes here) of (block goes here). Although specifying coordinates seems like enough skript needs you to tell it you are talking about the block of those coordinates rather than the coordinates themselves. So rather than doing this: set {location} to (whatever your location was) Do this: set {location} to block at location at (0, 0, 0) Of course you can specify your own x, y, z coordinates that are suitable for you! Hope that made sense!
  3. Thanks for the in depth reply! That really helped!
  4. Hello, I don’t have any problems in general, although I wanted to learn a bit more about skript arguments, so anything related to arguments is fine! the main questions I have is: -how do you use skript arguments -what would you use them for - some examples Thanks for letting me understand arguments better!
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