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If you guys are still doing this then I need a script for KitPvP.  Customizable kits, kill streaks (on 3 kill streak grants speed 1, 6 kill streak grants strength 1, on 9 kill streak grand speed 2, on a 12 kill streak grant strength 2), Shop that supports vault that lets you buy kits, 15 coins on a kill, a stats tracker, a 1v1 command to set 2 spawns for a 1v1, soups that grant health on eating it (Left and right click to activate the heal) and you can add some other cool ideas.  


This all that I could think of I hope you guys can answer help me out

Edited by IntergalacticXD
fixed some grammar
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  • 4 months later...

Heres A Exampe

#Skript Made by pizzaschut

command /grant <player>: 
  usage: &f&l« &b/grant <player> &f&l» 
  aliases: /gr 
  permission: skript.grant
  permission message: "&f&l« &bYou have no perms for that &f&l»"
    wait 1 tick
    open chest with 6 rows named "&f&l« &b&lGrant Panel &f&l»" to player
    wait 1 tick
    format slot 10 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lOWNER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lOWNER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set OWNER"]
    format slot 11 of player with blue concrete named "&f&l« &9&lDEVELOPER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &9&lDEVELOPER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set dev"]
    format slot 12 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lMANAGER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lMANAGER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set manager"]
    format slot 13 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lHEAD.ADMIN &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lHEAD.ADMIN &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set head-admin"]
    format slot 14 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lSR.ADMIN &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lSR.ADMIN &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set sr.admin"]
    format slot 15 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lADMIN &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lADMIN &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set admin"]
    format slot 16 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lJR.ADMIN &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lJR.ADMIN &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set jr.admin"]
    format slot 19 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lHEAD.MOD &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lHEAD.MOD &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set head.mod"]
    format slot 20 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lSR.MOD &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lSR.MOD &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set sr.mod"]
    format slot 21 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lMOD &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lMOD &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set mod"]
    format slot 22 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lJR.MOD &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lJR.MOD &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set jr.mod"]
    format slot 23 of player with lime concrete named "&f&l« &a&lHELPER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &a&lHELPER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set helper"]
    format slot 24 of player with lime concrete named "&f&l« &a&lJR.HELPER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &a&lJR.HELPER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set jr.helper"]
    format slot 25 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lTRAINEE &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lTRAINEE &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set trainee"]
    format slot 37 of player with blue concrete named "&f&l« &3[OVERLORD] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &3[OVERLORD] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set overlord"]
    format slot 38 of player with pink concrete named "&f&l« &d[GOD] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &d[GOD] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set god"]
    format slot 39 of player with green concrete named "&f&l« &2[LORD] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &2[LORD] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set lord"]
    format slot 40 of player with orange concrete named "&f&l« &6[PRO] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &6[PRO] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set pro"]
    format slot 41 of player with blue concrete named "&f&l« &b[MVP] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &b[MVP] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set mvp"]
    format slot 0 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 42 of player with lime concrete named "&f&l« &a[VIP] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &a[VIP] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set vip"]
    format slot 43 of player with gray concrete named "&f&l« &8[DEFAULT] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &8[DEFAULT] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set default"]
    format slot 1 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 2 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 3 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 4 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 6 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 8 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 9 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 17 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 18 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 26 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 27 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 35 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 28 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 29 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"] 
    format slot 30 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 31 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 32 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 33 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 34 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 35 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 44 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 36 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"] 
    format slot 45 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 46 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 52 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 53 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 49 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass [PERM] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass [PERMANENTLY] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent add mutechatbypass"]
    format slot 48 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass 30m &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass For 30m &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent addtemp mutechatbypass 30m"]
    format slot 47 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass 15m &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass For 15m &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent addtemp mutechatbypass 15m"]
    format slot 50 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass 5m &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass For 5m &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent addtemp mutechatbypass 5m"]
    format slot 51 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass 1m &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass For 1m &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent addtemp mutechatbypass 1m"]

I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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12 hours ago, pajolike2 said:

Heres A Exampe

#Skript Made by pizzaschut

command /grant <player>: 
  usage: &f&l« &b/grant <player> &f&l» 
  aliases: /gr 
  permission: skript.grant
  permission message: "&f&l« &bYou have no perms for that &f&l»"
    wait 1 tick
    open chest with 6 rows named "&f&l« &b&lGrant Panel &f&l»" to player
    wait 1 tick
    format slot 10 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lOWNER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lOWNER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set OWNER"]
    format slot 11 of player with blue concrete named "&f&l« &9&lDEVELOPER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &9&lDEVELOPER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set dev"]
    format slot 12 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lMANAGER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lMANAGER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set manager"]
    format slot 13 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lHEAD.ADMIN &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lHEAD.ADMIN &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set head-admin"]
    format slot 14 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lSR.ADMIN &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lSR.ADMIN &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set sr.admin"]
    format slot 15 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lADMIN &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lADMIN &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set admin"]
    format slot 16 of player with red concrete named "&f&l« &c&lJR.ADMIN &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &c&lJR.ADMIN &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set jr.admin"]
    format slot 19 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lHEAD.MOD &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lHEAD.MOD &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set head.mod"]
    format slot 20 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lSR.MOD &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lSR.MOD &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set sr.mod"]
    format slot 21 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lMOD &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lMOD &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set mod"]
    format slot 22 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lJR.MOD &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lJR.MOD &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set jr.mod"]
    format slot 23 of player with lime concrete named "&f&l« &a&lHELPER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &a&lHELPER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set helper"]
    format slot 24 of player with lime concrete named "&f&l« &a&lJR.HELPER &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &a&lJR.HELPER &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set jr.helper"]
    format slot 25 of player with yellow concrete named "&f&l« &e&lTRAINEE &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &e&lTRAINEE &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set trainee"]
    format slot 37 of player with blue concrete named "&f&l« &3[OVERLORD] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &3[OVERLORD] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set overlord"]
    format slot 38 of player with pink concrete named "&f&l« &d[GOD] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &d[GOD] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set god"]
    format slot 39 of player with green concrete named "&f&l« &2[LORD] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &2[LORD] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set lord"]
    format slot 40 of player with orange concrete named "&f&l« &6[PRO] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &6[PRO] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set pro"]
    format slot 41 of player with blue concrete named "&f&l« &b[MVP] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &b[MVP] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set mvp"]
    format slot 0 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 42 of player with lime concrete named "&f&l« &a[VIP] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &a[VIP] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set vip"]
    format slot 43 of player with gray concrete named "&f&l« &8[DEFAULT] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Rank This Player &8[DEFAULT] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent set default"]
    format slot 1 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 2 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 3 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 4 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 6 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 8 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 9 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 17 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 18 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 26 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 27 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 35 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 28 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 29 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"] 
    format slot 30 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 31 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 32 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 33 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 34 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 35 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 44 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 36 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"] 
    format slot 45 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 46 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 52 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 53 of player with white stained glass pane named "&f&l« &f&l&nGen&9&l&nCosmos&r &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &b&lGrant &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/msg %arg 1% lol"]
    format slot 49 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass [PERM] &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass [PERMANENTLY] &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent add mutechatbypass"]
    format slot 48 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass 30m &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass For 30m &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent addtemp mutechatbypass 30m"]
    format slot 47 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass 15m &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass For 15m &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent addtemp mutechatbypass 15m"]
    format slot 50 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass 5m &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass For 5m &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent addtemp mutechatbypass 5m"]
    format slot 51 of player with iron bars named "&f&l« &fMutechatbypass 1m &f&l»" with lore "&f&l« &fClick To Give This Player Mutechatbypass For 1m &f&l»" to close then run [execute console command "/lp user %arg 1% parent addtemp mutechatbypass 1m"]

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Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

Community Support - 7/8/20 - 11/3/20

Helper  - 11/3/20 - 2/21/21

Moderator - 2/21/21 - 5/17/21

❤️ - 5/17/21 - 12/20/22

Moderator - 12/20/22 - now



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