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I'm not sure how to do an anvil gui but I know a way that you could do it by typing the code in chat.

on chat:
	if message is "code123":
    	cancel event
        send "correct!"

This is just an example on how you can do it with a chat input. You could also just a variable or metadata tag to true when a person does the command and do an if statement to see if that variable is true so this trigger will only happen after a player does the /codes command. And then delete the variable after the player guesses the code. And if the code is correct, just give them the rank. This was just an example cause you said you just needed help with making one. There probably is a way to do an anvil gui but i'm not sure how. You could look at the docs. The only anvil gui expression I see in the docs is with Skacket and not sure if Minehut has that addon. https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=4149

If you have any other questions or don't understand what I said, cause my response may be confusing, just reply. 

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They are many ways to open an Anvil inventory. I do believe you can open/show pretty much any inventory in the game.

[skellett] open [[better] inventory [type]] %string% [with %-number% row[s]] [named %-string%] to %players%


Skellet provides a larger amount of inventories, but you can also just use plain skript to open many kind of inventories.

(open|show) (((crafting [table]|workbench)|chest|anvil|hopper|dropper|dispenser) (view|window|inventory|)|%inventory%) (to|for) %players%


Now, the problem is that, I'm quite uncertain of how to manipulate the inventory, and I've tried throughout my career. I'm willing to do some research on the topic, but always feel free to use Google or try out possibilities yourself. I'd advise you to use SkriptHub and SkUnity's documentation.

Always feel free to contact me or continue this thread if you need more help.


Edited by AWorthySon
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