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Why cant we upload custom JARs?


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Hi! I'm sorry if this is not a related question, however, I'm curious to wonder why can't we upload custom JARs? Some people are people who make custom JARs and probably want to put it on their server, but I'm not speaking for everyone, heh. But to go back to my question, why can't we upload custom JARs? I know it might be because it could affect files or something, however, I would like a reason as to why.

Thank you!

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They don't allow you to upload custom plugins because it can be a security issue. They don't want people uploading plugins that may be harmful, bypass a limitation, or break things. 


Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


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Although you can't upload them yourself, you can request your own plugins to be uploaded to Minehut @ https://forums.minehut.com/forum/20-plugins/


(Also, take a look at all of the allowed file extensions allowed on Minehut HERE)

Edited by Minehut

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Alternatively, you can search up some skripts or ask for somebody to make you a skript in the minehut community forums. Many people would be more then happy to make you your very own skript, just like the plugins you desire to use.

⭢ Founder Of Website 

The Website is men't to help you with all the skript you need to start your server. Soon we will have tutorials on how to use certain things, but for now you should go to Minehut.xyz for tutorials. Again, The Website is men't for skript help and skript requests.

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