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How to make it so that players cannot start my server, only me?




So me and a couple of friends have a server, and for some reason they decide to start the server and play for hours on end without me. I came back online and they had defeated the ender dragon and gotten elytra. This pissed me off cause i wanted to do it with them. They did it without me because they said "ur never online, we tried waiting". Its true I wasnt online for a day or so, but still, how can you expect me to be always online? I have a life. 

So that brings us to my question. We started a new server, and I am the operator. Is there a command I can use to remove permission to start the server? So that they cannot start the server from the minehut lobby. I would appreciate a swift response 

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No, but you can always whitelist the server to have it so only you can connect / you're friends can't connect whilst you're away. Once you come back then you can turn off the whitelist or keep it on but add you're friends to it.

Commands needed:

/whitelist on - puts the server in whitelist mode.

/whitelist add (player) - allows you to whitelist specific players.

/whitelist remove (player) - removes a player from the whitelist.


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On 6/20/2020 at 1:29 PM, chillins said:

No, but you can always whitelist the server to have it so only you can connect / you're friends can't connect whilst you're away. Once you come back then you can turn off the whitelist or keep it on but add you're friends to it.

Commands needed:

/whitelist on - puts the server in whitelist mode.

/whitelist add (player) - allows you to whitelist specific players.

/whitelist remove (player) - removes a player from the whitelist.

Im sorry, i dont really follow can yoir phrase it differently?


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13 hours ago, Milk123 said:

Im sorry, i dont really follow can yoir phrase it differently?


There isn't a way to prevent others from starting your server. But with the whitelist commands chillins said above, you can allow only certain players to join your server.


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