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1 - Basic Information -

    • Minecraft Username: Kailum

    • Previous Minecraft Usernames [Use NameMC.com]: https://namemc.com/profile/Kailum.8

    • Age: I am 16 years of age.

    • Country of Residence: Canada.

    • Timezone: EST.

    • Do you have access to our Discord server? [https://discord.gg/CUBJV8M]: Yes, I do.

    • Discord Username [EX: BreakfastDeliqht#0801]: Kailum#0184

    • Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, I do have a microphone that is working.

    • How much time can you contribute to the role?: It depends on the type of day, but I can contribute an hour or more of time for a staff position here.

    • Do you have any past staff experience? If so, explain in detail what you've done: I have had plenty of experience on many servers inside and outside of Minehut, but the experience I have gained the most out of was Minehut itself. As you hopefully already know, I am a Senior Moderator and I have been staff for over a year now which is very insane to me. I first joined the Minehut staff team on April 28th, 2019 after I watched Avengers Endgame, I was also fun fact: one of the only Jr Mods ever on Minehut to handle reports and appeals due to a staff change a week before my trial was supposed to end. On June 28th, I was given an extended trial and joined the Minehut Reports & Appeals team. Against all odds, I got promoted on July 28th, 2019 to Moderator and became a permanent member of the staff team. My time as a Moderator only lasted a month and four days because on September 1st, 2019, Gingey resigned from his Senior Moderator position and I was chosen to take his place. I manage Reports & Appeals on Minehut which sounds like I do nothing when I tell people what I do, but it's not always that simple. The ranking of Senior Moderator on Minehut also plays a role in leading the staff team as a whole, being a leader is always one of my top priorities.

    • What is your current playtime on the server? [Check in statistics in your ESC menu]: Can't check but around 2-3 hours, I joined in the whitelist cause I was helping with testing.

    • Have you ever been banned or punished on the server?: I have not.

    • Any other information we need to know about you?: Not that I want to mention.

2 - Scenarios -

    • Suppose that someone is spamming racial slurs in the chat. What would you do?: I would mute them permanently.

    • Suppose that someone were to be flying around and using kill aura. People are yelling at you in chat to do something about it. What do you do?: I would warn the users to stop hacksuating since it makes the hacker aware. I secondly would head into vanish and spectate the hacker and if it is confirmed that they are hacking, I would ban them.

    • Suppose that someone were to be advertising in chat. What would be your first response?: I would immediately perma ban them if they're advertising a player server.


Minehut Volunteer Moderator Helper

Discord: powerwinch



[JR.MOD] 28/04/2019

[MOD] 28/07/2019

[SR.MOD] 01/09/2019

[PATRON] / [RESIGNED] 26/07/2020

[MOD] / [REINSTATED] 12/09/2020

[PATRON] / [RESIGNED] 31/10/2020

[MOD] / [REINSTATED] 25/02/2021

[<3] 09/06/2022

[HELPER] 29/11/2023



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