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PEXSimplify 2.0 (make your life easier)

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So I recently coded a simple skript for shortening pex commands. On most skripts like that there should only be /rank. Here I got changing users/groups suffixes/prefixes, creating ranks, adding ranks to players, removing ranks from players. 

You don't need any addons. But of course you need PermissionEX.

- createrank (also not to users, TO PEX)
-  deleterank (this is not from users, this is from PEX)
- rankprefix
- ranksuffix
-  userprefix
- usersuffix

and much more...

I won't update this post, for updated versions here's the spigot link: 



14 ping spoofer skeppy fanboy

ping pong GIF

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Guest Itsyourboyskepy
7 hours ago, OMan100 said:

It doesn't seem useful to me, but others may think otherwise. Anyway you didn't add any code the forces the player to put the arguments or checks if he did, this can cause many bugs and misunderstandings

There were error messages but they were buggy so i removed them,theres a note with the correct format on any command done

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  • 9 months later...

Hey dude, this skript DOES NOT work. Heres a fixed version:



# Made by RedSkeppy/Trai on Spigot,USE ON 1.8
# Version 1.1
command /addperm [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    aliases: /addpermission
    permission: admin.addperm
    permission message: "&cSorry, you can't add permissions. Perm Needed: admin.addperm"
        if arg-1 is "group":
            execute console command "pex group %arg-2% add %arg-3%"
            message "&cSuccessfully added permission %arg-3% to group %arg-2%"
        if arg-1 is "user" or "player":
            execute console command "pex user %arg-2% add %arg-3%"
            message "&cSuccessfully added permission %arg-3% to user %arg-2%"

command /rank [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    aliases: /giverank
    permission: admin.rank
    permission message: "&cSorry, you can't rank people. Perm Needed: admin.rank"
        execute console command "pex user %arg-1% group add %arg-2%"
        message "&cSuccessfully granted user %arg-1% rank %arg-2%"
        message "&cIf it said <none> an error occured. This is the correct format: /rank <player> <rank>"

command /removeperm [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]: 
    aliases: /delperm
    permission: admin.removeperm
    permission message: "&cSorry, you can't remove permissions. Perm Needed: admin.removeperm"
        if arg-1 is "group":
            execute console command "pex group %arg-2% remove %arg-3%"
            message "&cSuccessfully removed permission %arg-3% from group %arg-2%"
        if arg-1 is "user" or "player":
            execute console command "pex user %arg-2% remove %arg-3%"
            message "&cSuccessfully removed permission %arg-3% from user %arg-2%"
command /removerank [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    permission: admin.removerank
    permission message: "Sorry, you can't remove ranks from people. Perm Needed: admin.removerank"
        execute console command "pex user %arg-1% group remove %arg-2%"
        message "&cSuccessfully removed rank %arg-2% from player %arg-1% if it says <none> there's an error. Correct format: /removerank <player> <rank>"         
command /createrank [<text>]:
        # [SmartFix] Todo
    permission message: &cSorry, you can't create ranks. Perm Needed: admin.createrank
        execute console command "pex group %arg-1% create"
        message "&cSuccessfully created rank %arg-1%. Please don't make a lot of ranks, it will become hard to manage them. If it says <none>, there's an error. Correct format: /createrank <rank> - Note: This is not for adding ranks to PLAYERS."
command /deleterank [<text>]:
    aliases: /delrank
    permission: admin.deleterank
    permission message: &cSorry, you can't delete ranks. Perm Needed: admin.deleterank
        execute console command "pex group %arg-1% remove"
        message "&cSuccessfully deleted rank %arg-1%. If you accidentaly deleted a rank, you can re-make it with /createrank. If it says <none>, there's an error. Correct format: /deleterank <text> - Note: This is not for removing ranks off PLAYERS!"        
command /rankprefix [<text>] [<text>]:
    aliases: /prefix
    permission: admin.rankprefix 
    permission message: &cSorry, you can't add prefixes to ranks. Perm Needed: admin.rankprefix
        execute console command "pex group %arg-1% prefix %arg-2%"
        message "&cSuccessfully set prefix of rank %arg-1% to %arg-2%. If it says <none> anywhere there's an error. Correct format: /rankprefix <group> <prefix> - Note: This is not for adding prefixes to USERS, it is /userprefix"
command /ranksuffix [<text>] [<text>]:
    aliases: /suffix
    permission: admin.ranksuffix 
    permission message: &cSorry, you can't add prefixes to ranks. Perm Needed: admin.ranksuffix
        execute console command "pex group %arg-1% suffix %arg-2%"
        message "&cSuccessfully set suffix of rank %arg-1% to %arg-2%. If it says <none> anywhere there's an error. Correct format: /ranksuffix <group> <suffix> - Note: This is not for adding suffixes to USERS, it is /usersuffix"

command /userprefix [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    permission: admin.userprefix 
    permission message: &cSorry, you can't add prefixes to users. Perm Needed: admin.userprefix
        execute console command "pex user %arg-1% prefix %arg-2%"
        message "&cSuccessfully set prefix of user %arg-1% to %arg-2%. If it says <none> anywhere there's an error. Correct format: /userprefix <user> <prefix> - Note: This is not for adding prefixes to RANKS, it is /rankprefix"

command /usersuffix [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    permission: admin.usersuffix 
    permission message: &cSorry, you can't add suffixers to users. Perm Needed: admin.usersuffix
        execute console command "pex user %arg-1% suffix %arg-2%"
        message "&cSuccessfully set suffix of user %arg-1% to %arg-2%. If it says <none> anywhere there's an error. Correct format: /usersuffix <user> <prefix> - Note: This is not for adding suffixes to RANKS, it is /ranksuffix"            

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Good job flooding the chat and posting on a topic that hasn't been posted on in 10 months...

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