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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. I remade abusingnubs one to make it work:

    on join:
        if {verify::%player%} is false:
        	set {_location} to location of player
        	every second:
            	teleport player to {_location}
            	send "&7Please verify by executing /verify to play!" to player
            if {verify::%player%} is true:
                send "&aWelcome back %player%!" to player
    command /verify:
            if {verify::%player%} is false:
                send "&aYou have &lverified &asuccessfully!" to player
                if {verify::%player%} is true:
                    send "&cYou have already &lverified" to player
    on first join:
        set {verify::%player%} to false
  2. 1 hour ago, spankingorphans said:



    every tick in world "world":
        loop all players:
            wipe loop-player's sidebar
            set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lSuper&4&lDBZ"
            set score "&6&lPlayer" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
            set score "  &7Name: &f%loop-player's displayname%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
            set score "  &7Ping: &f%loop-player's ping%ms" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
            set score "  &7Balance: &c&l %{zeni.%loop-player%}% &7z" in sidebar of loop-player to 4

  3. 13 hours ago, AbusingNub said:
    command /spawner:
            wait 1 tick
            open chest inventory with 3 rows named "&5&lShop" to player
            set slot 13 of player's current inventory to spawner named "&9COW"
    on inventory click:
    	if name of player's current inventory contains "&5&lShop":
    		cancel event
    		if index of event-slot is 13:
    			execute console command "us givespawner _Wild_IQ cow"
    			send "&7Received &9COW &7spawner!"

    Should work 🙂 Hope this helps        

    This script can easily be changed to better suit an economy based server, for example the spawner could cost 1500 in-game money, and on inventory click it will check the balance of the player and remove the cost of the spawner from their balance.

    Thanks for the help!

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