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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. Never mind try this:


    on right click:
        if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate":
                remove 1 of player's held item
                function random(p: player):
                    set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2
                    if {_random} is 1:
                       send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p}
                       give {_p} 1 diamond named "&6Gem"
                       if {_random} is 2:
                           send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p}
                           give {_p} 2 diamond named "&6Gem"

  2. on right click:
        if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate":
                remove 1 of tool from player's held item
                function random(p: player):
                    set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2
                    if {_random} is 1:
                       send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p}
                       give {_p} 1 diamond named "&6Gem
                       if {_random} is 2:
                           send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p}
                           give {_p} 2 diamond named "&6Gem

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