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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. 9 hours ago, Car1oz said:

    How do you make it so people without op can use /togge?

    command /toggle:
       if {rdmtimer} is set:
        delete {rdmtimer}
        send "Turned off"
        set {rdmtimer} to true
        send "Turned on"
       send "no perms"
    every 10 seconds:
     if {rdmtimer} is set:
      loop all players:
       give loop-player 1 of random items out of all items
  2. I have a scoreboard skript that displays kills and coins, but the numbers are a bit messy, I was wondering if anyone can make it so if a player has like 2,000,000 it will say 2M and if someone has 1,000 it will say 1K and other stuff like 2,500 = 2.5K and 1,200 is 1.2K. Im sure you know what I mean, but I want it for all the numbers obv. If this doesnt make sense, reply, and I will try simplify it.

    Code on next page:

    on join:
        while player is online:
            wipe player's sidebar
            set {players.online} to number of all players
            set name of sidebar of player to "&4u&cDemolish"
            set score "&c&m+----------------------------+&l" in sidebar of player to 6
            set score "&f" in sidebar of player to 5
            set score "➣ Coins: &6⛃ %{Coins::%player's uuid%} ? 0%" in sidebar of player to 4
            set score "➣ Kills: &f☠ %{Kills::%player's uuid%} ? 0%" in sidebar of player to 3
            set score "&l" in sidebar of player to 2
            set score "&c&m+----------------------------+" in sidebar of player to 1
            wait 5 seconds

  3. command /firstjoin [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
        permission message: &cYou have no permissions to perform this command.
        usage: /firstjsoin <player>
        permission: admin.*
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-2 is not set:
                    if {first-join.%arg-1's uuid%} is set:
                        send "&6%arg-1%&e's first join was &f%{first-join.%arg-1's uuid%}%&e."
                        send "&cThis player hasn't played on this server."
                    send "Unknown command."
                send "&cUsage: /firstjoin <player>"
    command /lastjoin [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
        permission message: &cYou have no permissions to perform this command.
        usage: /lastjoin <player>
        permission: srmod.*
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-2 is not set:
                    if {last-join.%arg-1's uuid%} is set:
                        send "&6%arg-1%&e's last join was &f%{last-join.%arg-1's uuid%}% &7(%difference between {last-join.%arg-1's uuid%} and now% ago)&e."
                        send "&cThis player hasn't played on this server."
                    send "Unknown command."
                send "&cUsage: /firstjoin <player>"


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