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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. 17 hours ago, NotKaizo said:

    So that Skript in any way won't actually work. They can click on any head even if it's not named &bSuspicious Bag and still get the 5 buttons. Here I don't know if this fixes your problem but it sure do make it work.

    Didnt see your post but I think my one works better

  2. Not sure what you mean but..


    on rightclick with player head:

        if player's tool is a player head named "&bSuspicious bag":

            give 5 stone buttons named "&8Rock" to player

            remove 1 of player's held item from player

  3. Hey! Im lapzzo and im not new to minehut or minehut forums, but I realised I never introduced myself here!

    So Hello minehut forums!


    If you want to ask me a question message me on forums or ingame (if im online ofc!)


    Note: this is not my main forum account I just use this all the time now. My original is just called Lapzzo!

  4. On 7/5/2021 at 4:03 PM, pizzaschut said:

    Hi there! I was wondering if anyone could make a chat mention/ping skript. So if you type a name of a player it becomes yellow. 

    Hey you left so heres your profile pic


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