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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. On 8/7/2021 at 1:56 PM, Razaire said:

    oh crap i didnt read right it said 4 weeks but now its 3 weeks ok but this should be in Skript Discussions

    Incorrect. This should be in skript releases, as he is gonna be releasing skripts for people

  2. Okay I have 4 questions that might lead to me solving your problem


    What server plan is the owner using

    How many plugins is the owner using

    Did the owner upload any worlds

    What were the uploaded worlds named

  3. What @MagentaPudding said wont work. Go to your panel on minehut.com , login, go to server appearance, go down and type in the console box, /pardon <yourusername> then type /op <yourusername>. Like what MagentaPudding said, I recommend banning who banned you, as they may be a threat.

  4. Adding to my reply, plugins like EssentialsX adds way more helpful commands! If you don't want to be op, you can run these commands from your server console, but for the fastest way, oping yourself and executing them from in game is the best way.

  5. 4 hours ago, NFK32_ said:
    pls make me a script, when u do /start tp everyone to 1238 150 1148 and give slow fall for 30 secs and say the games begin

    command /start:
            teleport player to 1238, 150, 1148 in world "world"
            apply slow falling to player for 30 seconds
            broadcast "&aThe game has started"


    Change world in the "" to the world they should be teleported to

  6. 2 hours ago, Baks340 said:

    A jak ustawic więcej homów? Na tym set home

    please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month.
    This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules.

    Requesting mod lock 🔒


    Hej, nie odpowiadaj na posty, które nie były dostępne od miesiąca.

    Jest to uważane za nekropostowanie i jest wysoce sprzeczne z zasadami minehut

  7. Just now, Ibag said:

    Ok, but then there isnt just the: World folder. I can only rightclick little subfolders...

    I can rightclick every file. Im not sure whats happening on your end


  8. 2 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

    With skBee, you can use %itemstack% with all flags hidden expression to remove all those tooltip stuff. 


    Also don't spam/flood replies to a post. Doing that will get you nowhere other than maybe get you punished. Just be patient till someone replies next time.

    How do I put this into the skript?

  9. 1 minute ago, _Tarna_ said:

    With skBee, you can use %itemstack% with all flags hidden expression to remove all those tooltip stuff. 


    Also don't spam/flood replies to a post. Doing that will get you nowhere other than maybe get you punished. Just be patient till someone replies next time.

    Ok sorry, I will try that

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