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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. 28 minutes ago, JustSeadragon said:
    command /basketball <offlineplayer> <offlineplayer>:
            send "&d%arg-1% and %arg-2% are playing a basketball match."
            give stick named "&dTackle" to %arg-1%
            give stick named "&dTackle" to %arg-2%
            give stick named "&dPass" to %arg-1%
            give stick named "&dPass" to %arg-2%
    command /basketball <offlineplayer> <offlineplayer>:
            send "&d%arg-1% and %arg-2% are playing a basketball match." to player
            give stick named "&dTackle" to arg-1
            give stick named "&dTackle" to arg-2
            give stick named "&dPass" to arg-1
            give stick named "&dPass" to arg-2

    I dont think that will work, but try it

  2. 55 minutes ago, SatanUk said:

    MOD SUPPORT???? Pog staff will finaly repsond and not afk… oh you mean mods like orespawn etc

    Pretty sure they mean minecraft mods, not minehut staff

  3. 2 hours ago, tinanana said:

    doesn’t work now, without the ul commands what am i supposed to do now?

    please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month.
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  4. 8 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

    Wait did Veteran rank get changed? It used to require 1,000 posts. Congrats anyways!

    Ive been getting all ranks early. I got active rank at 350 im pretty sure

  5. 1 minute ago, Qwerty_Poiuy said:

    mingins HOW


    please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month.
    This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules.

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  6. I just got a notification that I had a rank increase.

    I check and I levelled up to veteran rank, which is the last rank on minehut forums!
    My next goal is 1k posts!

    If anyone knows, can someone tell me how much people on minehut are veteran rank

  7. 5 minutes ago, The_TOT said:

    t No Work it says when I try reloading the skript 

    "can't understand this condition 'open sign gui to player with lines "", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", "Item", and "(Make it good)": (SupplyDrop.sk: line 134: open sign gui to player with lines "", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", "Item", and "(Make it good)": )

    please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month.
    This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules.

    Requesting mod lock 🔒

  8. On 7/15/2021 at 5:47 PM, aashumc said:

    im not sure if this needs a add on or is very hard but i need a tab editing skript it doesnt have to be to fancy.

    above the names can it have welcome to Skywars10 in gold color underlined 

    and below the names it says how many players are online i will be very gratefull and i can credit you on the server for making the skript if you want!

    Thank you

    on load:
        create nametag "Welcome"
            set prefix of nametag "Welcome" to "&6&nWelcome to SkyWars10 %player%"
    on join:
        add player to nametag "Welcome"


    I think this needs skellette 

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