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Everything posted by xWires

  1. command /givepistol [<player>]: permission: op description: Gives gun trigger: execute console command "give %arg-1% minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick{CustomModelData:1,display:{Name:'{\"text\":\"Pistol\",\"color\":\"white\"}'}} 1" give 64 gold nuggets named "&6Pistol Ammo" to the player might work
  2. on death: wait 20 ticks clear player's inventory should work
  3. I fixed it by setting a variable to the result of the function then using that in the string instead. Example: set {_genCost} to getGenCost() set slot 10 of {_gui} to white stained glass named "&rTier 1 Generator (&a$%{_genCost}%&r)"
  4. Now I get this: [08:55:57 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading buyGen.sk... [08:55:57 INFO]: Line 19: (buyGen.sk) [08:55:57 INFO]: This function doesn't return any value. Please use 'stop' or 'exit' if you want to stop the function. [08:55:57 INFO]: Line: return "{@cost}" [08:55:57 INFO]: [08:55:57 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 1 error while reloading buyGen.sk! (7ms)
  5. It still does the same thing. It also give me this error: This function is declared to return a number, but "250" is not of that type.
  6. For some reason all the items have <none> as the cost (example: "Tier 1 Generator ($<none>)" I don't have much experience with functions in skript, so I don't know why it's happening. command /servershop: permission: wirednetwork.servershop permission message: &cYou don't have permission to run this command. executable by: players trigger: shopGUI(player) function shopGUI(p: player): set {_gui} to chest inventory with 6 rows named "WiredGens Shop" set slot (integers between 0 and 54) of {_gui} to gray stained glass pane named " " set slot 10 of {_gui} to white stained glass named "&rTier 1 Generator (&a$%{getGenCost()}%&r)" set slot 12 of {_gui} to command block named "&rGen Slot (&a%{getSlotCost(%{_p}%)}% tokens&r)" set slot 14 of {_gui} to blaze rod named "&rSellwand (&a%{getSellwandCost()}% tokens&r)" set slot 16 of {_gui} to paper named "&rRanks" open {_gui} to {_p} on inventory click: name of event-inventory is "WiredGens Shop" cancel event event-inventory is not player's inventory if clicked slot is 10: make player execute command "/buygen" if clicked slot is 12: make player execute command "/buygenslots" if clicked slot is 14: make player execute command "/buysellwand" if clicked slot is 16: close player's inventory make player execute command "/ranks" #This is what one of the functions looks like function getGenCost() :: number: #cost is set in the options at the beginning of this script return {@cost}
  7. Turns out it was dropping them, just in the wrong world. I fixed this by changing the line "set {_loc} to location({_x},{_y},{_z}, world "%{_c}%'s world")" to "set {_loc} to location({_x},{_y},{_z}, "myworldname")"
  8. Also the generators aren't dropping any items.
  9. Does it work with economy systems like vault?
  10. Rule 14 says no bots but does that include chatbots?
  11. Would using mineflayer to create a chatbot that responds to user's questions be breaking the rules? Of course I would only use this in my own server.
  12. So i report them through a support ticket?
  13. So yesterday i gave someone admin and today i join my server to find it destroyed. So i asked them about it and they said "I did it because i can". Luckily i was able to repair some of the server will CoreProtect but alot of it remained destroyed. Am i able to report them for this? I dont know what can be reported and what cant.
  14. Then sorry i cant help. Good luck
  15. Turn off your server, delete the current world and then rename the world you downloaded to “world” . That might work but you will lose your current world.
  16. Some plugins only work for certain server types (such as paper and spigot). Make sure you are using the right one.
  17. xWires

    Voice Chat Plugin

    So I installed Simple Voice Chat for my server but it doesn't work because the port for the voice chat is not open. Is this able to be done?
  18. Hi, I would like to know if there is a way i can give someone access to my servers file manager. Is this possible?
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