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Posts posted by Ezekia

  1. Pretty easy to make, and I'm a beginner! I made this for my server, Kanga, since other KitPvP plugins needed perms for deoped players to use the kits! So, I made my own. And here it is! Keep in mind I don't know how to add cooldowns because if I did, the Pro kit would have a cooldown, not a 'only ops' line of code!

    command /kit [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is "pvp":
          give iron sword to player
          give iron helmet to player
          give iron chestplate to player
          give iron leggings to player
          give iron boots to player
          give 16 golden apple to player
          send "You have been given kit &bPvP" to player
        if arg-1 is "archer":
          give stone sword to player
          give golden helmet to player
          give golden chestplate to player
          give golden leggings to player
          give boots to player
          give 64 steak to player
          give bow to player
          give 64 arrow to player
          send "You have been given kit &bArcher" to player
        if arg-1 is "pro":
          if player is op:
            give diamond sword to player
            give diamond helmet to player
            give diamond chestplate to player
            give diamond leggings to player
            give diamond boots to player
            give 64 golden apple to player
            send "You have been given kit &bPro" to player
            # Made by Ezekia.


    • Like 2
  2. 47 minutes ago, Nd_ said:

    Currently coding the UHC, need to code the wild and then I am done with the game(but not the other things)

    n o i c e

    remember to do some things i havent done (like delting thw uhc world after each round)

    the lobby should be in a different world, so it works a bit better

    teleport inside border


    and someother stuff


  3. A very simple skript and is useful for any server that mutes people (so every server). Normally when muted, you can use /me <text> to type. This completely blocks the command.


    command /me:
        send "&b[servername]&f You can't do that!" to player
        cancel event


  4. 6 hours ago, Nd_ said:

    I can try, but I'm lazy, and might be a bit busy, though I will try

    Thanks! If you could do the scoreboard and such that would be g r e a t.

    If anyone wants to come test the Skript when I add it they can (but that wont be really soon)

    Matches are every day and have cool things one i did yesterday:

    everyone starts with a stack of xp bottles

    everyone starts with a stack of lapis blocks

    everyone starts with and enchant table

    hastey boys is off

  5. 3 hours ago, TheRustySpud said:

    I remade some of your things, keep in mind the scoreboard part is NOT included in my new skript. You're going to need to remake that yourself.
    Remade version of skript (Pastebin)

    I have also marked some spots in your code with #(Error here) in spots you might want to change up.

    Yaaaassssss thanks! With the errors you said about, was the V meant to be a down arrow or something else?

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