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Posts posted by Ezekia

  1. On 11/17/2019 at 6:18 PM, Nd_ said:

    1: I would recommend using ID based scores instead of clearing the score and writing it again, it's a bit more complicated, but it has the plus side of not making the scoreboard look like it is flickering

    2: when isn't something that skript uses, it's on or nothing

    3: You need variables, as putting it in %% is only for skript defined variables

    4: There is no event from my knowledge to check if a variable changes, however, you can check if a variable is something, so you could use a while event.

    5: you need trigger:(indent next line) for a command

    6: No offence, but there are a bunch of invalid events

    ik it sounds like im being lazy, but can you just do it for me? I have no idea what ur saying 😂

    Im an expirienced coder, so ik most things but how in skript??! Im gonna update soon so you could work with that

  2. 18 minutes ago, Nd_ said:

    1: I would recommend using ID based scores instead of clearing the score and writing it again, it's a bit more complicated, but it has the plus side of not making the scoreboard look like it is flickering

    2: when isn't something that skript uses, it's on or nothing

    3: You need variables, as putting it in %% is only for skript defined variables

    4: There is no event from my knowledge to check if a variable changes, however, you can check if a variable is something, so you could use a while event.

    5: you need trigger:(indent next line) for a command

    6: No offence, but there are a bunch of invalid events

    6 is fine cuz as i said im a complete nub at skript and most of it was being made up lol

    if you could help with variables and stuff that would be g r e a t

    5: k i'll ad trigger

    4 & 2: help meh

    3:how do i variable lol

    1: again.. how?

    im updating the skript soon as well so be prepared for more bad skripting

  3. Problem:

    I'm not a brilliant skripter, so most of this code was guessing.. I'm trying to make a UHC server that is skripted, so if you could help it would be amazing for me!


    # Setting Scoreboard values
    when player is teleported to world "ul_uhclobby":
      set %scoreboard% to 1
    when player is teleported to world "uhcworld":
      set %scoreboard% to 2
    when player's gamemode switches to spectator:
      set %scoreboard% to 3
    # Scoreboards (Value is 1 (Waiting), 2 (In-game) and 3 (spectating)
    when %scoreboard% = 1:
        delete all other scoreboards
        create scoreboard with title "&eSpazz &bUHC"
        set line 1 to "&bOnline:"
        set line 2 to "&f%number_of_online_players%"
        set line 3 to ""
        set line 4 to "&bRight Now:"
        set line 5 to "&fWaiting"
    when %scoreboard% = 2:
        delete all other scoreboards
        create scoreboard with title "&eSpazz &bUHC"
        set line 1 to "&bOnline:"
        set line 2 to "&f%number_of_online_players%"
        set line 3 to ""
        set line 4 to "&bRight Now:"
        set line 5 to "&fIn-game"
    when %scoreboard% = 3:
        delete all other scoreboards
        create scoreboard with title "&eSpazz &bUHC"
        set line 1 to "&bOnline:"
        set line 2 to "&f%number_of_online_players%"
        set line 3 to ""
        set line 4 to "&bRight Now:"
        set line 5 to "&fSpectating"
    # Starting the game
    when %number_of_online_players% > 4 and %match_in_progress% = 0:
        generate new world named "uhcworld"
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fNew match is starting in 15 seconds..." to all players
        wait 5 seconds
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fNew match is starting in 10 seconds..." to all players
        wait 5 seconds
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fNew match is starting in 5 seconds..." to all players
        wait 1 second
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fNew match is starting in 4 seconds..." to all players
        wait 1 second
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fNew match is starting in 3 seconds..." to all players
        wait 1 second
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fNew match is starting in 2 seconds..." to all players
        wait 1 second
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fNew match is starting in 1 second..." to all players
        wait 1 second
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fNew match is starting!" to all players
        teleport all players to random position inside world border in world "uhcworld"
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fMatch has started!" to all players
        give 1 wooden sword to all players
        give 1 wooden pickaxe to all players
        give 1 wooden axe to all players
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fRun the command /recipes to see all new custom recipes!"
    # The recipes command
    command /recipes:
      send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fCustom crafting is coming soon!" to player
    # Shrinking the world border
    when &number_of_online_players% > 4 and &match_in_progress& = 0:
        wait 615 seconds
        send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fWorld Border is now SHRINKING!" to all players
        make console run command "/worldborder set 250 300" in world "uhcworld"
    # Spectate after death
    when player dies in world "uhcworld":
      set player's gamemode to spectator
      send "&b[Spazz UHC] &fDo /uhclobby to go back to spawn or keep watching!"
    # Winning
    when 1 player in survival mode is left in world "uhcworld":
    send "&b[Spazz UHC] &f%player% is the winner!
    # Basic UHC Skript made by Ezekia for SpazzUHC. Do NOT copy!

    Anything else:

    have forgotten a few things. If you could add them I would love it!

  4. I have a UHC server (if I tell you about it now this will be moved to servers) and the plugin, UHCcore, is great. I'm just wondering though...

    How do I change the waiting lobby?

    Right now it is a glass box. If you can change it you would probably upload a .schematic file to be used as it. 

    If you helped with this I would love it!

  5. 9 hours ago, FadelessBanjo said:

    Hmm.. are you doing this in a other world by any chance??? Or doing this in the servers main world 

    I have a lobby world, a bw lobby and the bw map. Bw map world is the arena, bw lobby world is where the sign to join and back to lobby npc is.

  6. oof mabye it wasnt the internet...

    i saved every step of the way but when i rejoin there is apparently no arena named 'Retro'

    i literally hate this plugin rn

  7. 10 hours ago, FadelessBanjo said:

    I was going to suggest that saving your server would fix it.. is everything working now?

    Having to set up bedwars map again but that doesn't take long.

  8. (new post because old was locked)

    I created a bedwars arena called 'Retro'.

    I join back after my server has stopped and there is apparently no arena called 'Retro'.

    Also, the back to lobby npc i made for the bw game selector lobby is gone! (and that is made with a different plugin)



  9. This needs to be in Community Support 

    I uploaded a bedwars map that I made in singleplayer and it was fine with it, then I clicked on it using /worlds and it said the same message. Had to restart on the server, not singleplayer. Funny that the server likes anything but bedwars because I uploaded a map after that (not bw) and was find ;-;


  10. Sorry for asking, but I don't know how to use the plugin. I can't find any tutorials on this plugin ;-;

    All I need to know is the commands and what they do, how to set and arena and how to set generators, trades and beds. Oh, and spawns.

    I know there is a /bw help command, but I don't get some of the commands in that.

    Any help is appreciated!

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