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Posts posted by Ezekia

  1. On 10/31/2019 at 9:02 AM, crazymarty said:

    Want something challenging huh? Here:
    Rarity: Legendary
    Name Necromancer
    Description: While pvping, with a chance of 30% it will spawn 10 wither skull which will rotate around you and shoot wither skull for 10 seconds. This thing will have a 10min cooldown
    Max level: 1
    Description of level: N/A

    I like that noice idea

  2. 2 hours ago, Creeper1841 said:
    format slot 11 with iron chestplate named "&bKitPvP" to run:

    It's as simple as that. You could make a teleport event such as:

     Advanced issues found
      Reveal hidden contents

    format slot 11 with iron chestplate named "&bKitPvP" to run:
        teleport player to location at (100, 60, 100) in world "world"

    I made it a spoiler, if you'd like to learn it yourself, but go ahead if you'd like to.

    omg thNkyouthankyouthankyou

  3. Im learning some skript, and my server is going to have a game menu as well as the npcs that are already there.

    at the moment, the skript gui is run when you execute the command /games.

    i want to:

    1. Make it with a nether star that you right click

    2. Make the games actually teleport you to their worlds.

    3. Figure out how to stop certain cmds from running when u r in the incorrect world (like running /kit in skyblock)

    4. Make a message display when you click a game option.

    heres the code:

    command /games:


        open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Games" to player

        format slot 11 with iron chestplate named "&bKitPvP"

        format slot 12 with stick named "&bSumo"

        format slot 13 with red bed named "&bBedwars"

        format slot 14 with stone named "&bFactions"

        format slot 15 with lava bucket named "&bAnarchy"


    that is the script right now. Can you help with the above points?

    i know there is akready a lobby script but i am trying to learn skript, not copy. So helping would ve appreciated!

  4. If you have world edit installed then the compass will be overridden. Change the compass to something else. If there is a different problem tell me and i'll try to figure it out. I'm not the best though.

  5. 7 hours ago, RunAwayz said:


    I don't see the use of blocking command dupes. Messages sure, but commands? I sometimes mess up /join commands and have to wait a few seconds just to a server.


    the plugin the yuse catches anything you say twice, even if it is a cmd.

  6. On 10/11/2019 at 12:58 AM, SLG Molly said:

    We did one of these before, but it has been a while. Tell us something amazing that happened to you this last week! Do not be humble! 😄



    Here is mine:

    My husband gave me this blanket for our anniversary ❤️


    i finished my first hunger games map, Four Corners (its mcpe so srry if ur java i play both) and it has 5 stars 🙂

    btw map link: https://mcpedl.com/ezekias-four-corners/

  7. 21 hours ago, OMan100 said:

    You need to disable the compass in World Edit config, look for a tutorial online 

    The only way of doing that is to get rid of the permissiontobuse it from everyone. But doing that would result in a message saying 'u cant use this'

    i will probably swap the compass for something else. Mabye the totem?

  8. I know it is a lot to ask, but I need a UHC skript!

    What to include:

    - Basic timing and scoreboard (enabling and disabling pvp at times)

    - TP to deathmatch (I can change coords)

    - Random world generating

    If you can:

    - Custom crafting

    I hope it is possible, You will be credited if it works!

    (Note: when I am testing out the skripts you guys could give me, I will ask some of you (if u r online) to help playtest)

  9. On 8/28/2019 at 6:21 PM, KngdomsGG said:

    here ya go

    	factions: ul-factions
    	kitpvp: ul-kitpvp
    	tnttag: ul-tnttag
    on join:
    	give 1 compass named "&cSelect Minigame" to player
    	give 1 diamond hoe named "&aFunny Hoe *" to player
    	set {cooldown.%player%} to 0
    	set the join message to "&7[&a+&7} %player%"
    on quit:
    	remove 1 compass named "&cSelect Minigame" from player
    	remove 1 diamond hoe named "&aFunny Hoe *" from player
    on right click with compass:
    	if name of event-item is "&cSelect Minigame":
    		open chest with 1 row named "&c&lSelect Minigame" to player
    		format slot 0 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close then run ""
    		format slot 1 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close then run ""
    		format slot 2 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close then run ""
    		format slot 3 of player with shiny diamond sword named "&6kitpvp" to close then run [execute the player command "/kitpvp"]			
    		format slot 4 of player with diamond hoe named "&6Factions" to close then run [execute the player command "/factions"]
    		format slot 5 of player with tnt named "&4Tnt&7-&6Tag" to close then run [execute the player command "/tnttag"]			
    		format slot 6 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close then run ""
    		format slot 7 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close then run ""
    		format slot 8 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close then run ""	
    on quit:
    	remove 1 compass named "&cSelect Minigame" from player
    	remove 1 diamond hoe named "&aFunny Hoe *" from player
    command /factions:
    		send "&aTeleporting to Factions..."
    		wait 1 seconds
    		teleport player to spawn of world "{@factions}"
    		send "&aTeleported" to player
    		remove 1 compass named "&cSelect Minigame" from player
    		remove 1 diamond hoe named "&aFunny Hoe *" from player
    command /tnttag:
    		send "&aTeleporting to TnT-Tag..."
    		wait 1 seconds
    		teleport player to spawn of world "{@tnttag}"
    		send "&aTeleported" to player
    		remove 1 compass named "&cSelect Minigame" from player
    		remove 1 diamond hoe named "&aFunny Hoe *" from player
    command /kitpvp:
    		send "&aTeleporting to KitPvP..."
    		wait 1 seconds
    		teleport player to spawn of world "{@kitpvp}"
    		send "&aTeleported" to player
    		remove 1 compass named "&cSelect Minigame" from player
    		remove 1 diamond hoe named "&aFunny Hoe *" from player
    on right click with diamond hoe:
    	if name of event-item is "&aFunny Hoe *":
    		cancel event
    		if {cooldown.%player%} is 0:
    			push player forward with speed 1
    			push player up with speed 1
    			set {cooldown.%player%} to 1
    			wait 0.5 seconds
    			set {cooldown.%player%} to 0
    			send "&c&lplease wait 0.5 second" to player

    make sure to credit me

    uuuuh it says "Nothing ot pass through!" when i use the compass

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