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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. on break: player's gamemode is not creative set {_fortune} to level of fortune of the player's tool add 1 to {_fortune} clear drops drop {_fortune} of event-block's drops at location of event-block
  2. Once you have skript installed, go to your file manager and open the skript file. From there, go to the scripts file and create a new file named "whateveryouwanthere.sk" Paste the skript in there and save. Either restart or type /sk reload "whateverthenameofthefileis"
  3. Minehut resolved this issue a couple hours ago. Try again now.
  4. Try this. No errors but it should work. I'm on vacation rn so I can't call you on discord so on rightclick: uncolored name of targeted entity is "INPUT NAME HERE!" send "<link:INPUT LINK HERE!>&3&lClick here to join our Discord!"
  5. All your skripts seem to have crashed. Try downgrading your skript version down to where 1.17 started to be supported, like 2.6. It's possible that since you're sunning 2.6.2 on a 1.17 server it's causing a ton of those errors.
  6. Try if player's held item contains ink sac named "jalapeno popper":
  7. There could be a lag machine loaded when a specific player joins.
  8. You can use skript to make a link. There are videos on how to set it up. You can use this piece of code (Requires Skript and Skream) It's not tested but it should work # change 0 in line 2 to the NPC integer of your NPC # change "example.link" to your discord link on npc rightclick: event-integer is 0 send "<link:example.link>&3&lClick here to join our Discord!"
  9. It you're running a spigot server it may not be there.
  10. You shouldn't have your account connected to a school email. I don't think it's possible to sign out of all devices on a minehut acocunt.
  11. Pryzmm

    Internal Error Occured

    It could be that you downloaded a version of the plugin that isnt supported on your server version. Update it and see what happens. It also could be that you need dependencies.
  12. As @TheCodingDuck_ said, all these are already implemented into Minecraft. To give yourself op, go to minehut.com and select your server. From there, go to console and type "op <PLAYER NAME>"
  13. I dont have any resource packs on that affect text
  14. List your plugins and, if you have skript, your skripts.
  15. Pryzmm

    Internal Error Occured

    Your plugin might not support your server version.
  16. It's possible they froze the leaderboards because people were abusing the spyglass bug.
  17. if its that big a file its bound to cause at least some problems.
  18. Pryzmm

    Server Not Going Online

    Your world is most likely corrupted. Delete the world or restore a backup.
  19. 20 Days Won Pog

  20. You moved a post (this one) to ban appeals area, but Benny said thats a no no


    1. Seriiaaa


      Oh no, my bad. will edit my comment and revert the move instead. Thank you so much for the clarification! 🙏

    2. Eltschu
  21. Upgrading server versions isnt really supported by Minecraft. It's very likely that your world is corrupted.
  22. Check your server.properties file and see if the resource pack link is there. If it is, remove it, save, and restart.
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