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Everything posted by rosabel

  1. Can you send your latest.log from your server after it starts? How to retrieve latest.log: Navigate to File Manager Logs folder At the bottom of the logs folder, select latest.log Download & Upload here It is likely your plugin is outdated or broken. If not, maybe you don't know how to use it properly? CustomEnchants' Spigot page likely has a reliable tutorial. Also, a plugin such as Essentials gives you the ability to easily add enchants.
  2. rosabel

    how to install mods

    To install mods, you need to have a modded server type: Either Fabric or Spongeforge. Once you've set your server type to one of these, choose your version. Now, you can began downloading mods. Ensure the mods you download are FOR the version AND server type you've chosen. Example: If you chose Fabric on version 1.20.4, be sure to search "fabric mods for 1.20.4" Once you download the mods, upload the jar files to the mods folder, and restart your server. A warning: Downgrading your server or changing server type can corrupt the world. ALWAYS make a back-up first! I hope this helped! Have fun with mods.
  3. Please make a new post instead of replying to an old one. Post locked. Also, /setworldspawn must be used in-game and your character must be where you want the spawn to be when you run the command.
  4. Please detail your issue further. What is happening? Help with what?
  5. That is not an error, that is worldguard telling you how to properly use the command. What command are you trying to run exactly and what are you trying to achieve?
  6. - this post will help you.
  7. Stop your server and Go to the dashboard of your server and scroll down to Resourcepacks section. There you should see your resourcepack listed, tick it to off. Refresh the page and double-check it is still ticked to off. Start your sever, and it should be gone. If it does not work, stop your server, go to your server.properties, remove your resourcepack from the resource-pack = line, save changes, and start your server. If it STILL does not work, stop your server, upload a new resourcepack to the resourcepacks section, tick it to on, refresh the page to confirm, and start your server. Then go back and stop your server, tick it to off again and double-check it did stay to off, then start your server.
  8. I believe it's because a zip file cannot be empty. A zip file is a folder zipped up with the contents inside, so downloading an empty folder as a zip file entails the zip file to be empty... and it can't be. Bottom of the line, you cannot download folders on Minehut, only individual files at a time. I understand this can be frustrating if you want to retrieve your world, but on the up-side, any plan removes the limitation, which at the lowest I believe is about $1.50, but you would need to spend at least $5 on the lowest credit purchase.
  9. Moved to Help category: Please post posts relating to support IN the Help category. To upload a world from single-player to Minehut please follow the following steps: Go to your server dashboard Scroll down to World Settings Press Upload Zip and upload your zipped world file Save changes & Refresh page Go back to World Settings and click on the drop-down menu under Selected World Choose your world you just uploaded & save changes & restart Navigating to where your single-player world is: Open the Minecraft launcher, then click Installations at the top. On any profile, click the Folder icon to reveal the local game files. In the newly opened window, navigate to the saves directory. While inside of this area, right-click on your world folder, click Copy, then navigate to your Downloads folder and click Paste. Then send the world to a compressed zip folder using a tool such as Winzip or Filezilla.
  10. https://polymart.org/resource/mineresetlite.137 - download Mineresetlite from here. You likely downloaded the abandoned version of it on SpigotMC.
  11. rosabel

    plugins incompatible

    Mod or plugin? The two are very different... Paper needs plugins, NOT mods. Mods required a modded server type like Fabric or Spongeforge. You can find all the plugins you want compatible with Paper on SpigotMC, generally.
  12. Don't use the add-ons panel. Download plugins you want straight from SpigotMC. Google the names of the plugins you want and you can download them; just make sure you download their versions for 1.19, as your server is 1.19. Drop the jar files you download and into your plugins folder and restart your server.
  13. You can only download one file at a time, so downloading whole folders don't work. You need to upgrade to a paid plan to download more than one file at once.
  14. rosabel

    minehut credits

    It was changed a few months ago. 10 per vote now.
  15. Requesting/Offering posts are to go in the Marketplace category. Post moved.
  16. Support posts should go in the Help category, post moved. You can disable cosmetics by scrolling down near the Resourcepacks section and ticking off the box labelled Cosmetics, then restart your server.
  17. Please make your own post here within the Help Category, and provide your latest.log just as the other user did. I'd be happy to help.
  18. Please make your own post about this and refrain from necroposting. Post locked. Add-ons have nothing to due with the current game-mode. The current game-mode can be changed by stopping your server, going into your server's dashboard and scrolling down until you see the Gamemode box, which should open a drop-down menu allowing you to select which game mode you want. Then you press save changes, and start your server.
  19. I'm glad to hear you found a solution. For anyone else viewing this post: No, mods and plugins cannot work together as they both require different kinds of server types to function!
  20. You will have to purchase a paid plan to download more than one file at a time. I'm sorry
  21. Posts seeking support go in the Help Category. Post moved. Don't use the add-ons tab, it gets very outdated. Add all plugins yourself. When downloading a plugin, make sure it's compatible with the server version, put the jar in the plugins folder, and restart your server. Oh, and make sure your server is a Paper server, not Spongeforge or Fabric (mods and plugins are different!) If it doesn't add your plugin still, please post back with your latest.log. latest.log can be retrieved by following the steps below: Navigate to File Manager Enter the logs folder At the bottom of this folder, lie a latest.log TXT file Download that file & upload it here
  22. They'll need to install all the mods themselves. The mods must be all the same ones on the server as well as all the same versions as the ones on the server. Hope this helps.
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