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Everything posted by rosabel

  1. Moved to Skript Category. Please keep Skript-help posts in the Skript category.
  2. rosabel

    Custom Server Icon

    Make sure that enable-status=true in your server.properties also.
  3. Download the world file on your host and upload it to Minehut. https://support.minehut.com/hc/en-us/articles/27276545774995-How-do-I-upload-a-world
  4. rosabel


    Yes. This video should still be relevant:
  5. rosabel

    paper sand duper

    My bad, sand duping cannot be enabled via the paper YML file. You would need a plugin to get it to be enabled. Here is a plugin you can use: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/gravity-control
  6. rosabel


    Why did you send me your cilent-side logs? The logs of the server are required. If you don't own the server that has the issues, I can't help you.
  7. rosabel


    Your server is crashing at startup, send your logs so I know why. How to get logs: File Manager Logs folder Scroll to bottom Select latest.log Download Upload here
  8. rosabel

    paper sand duper

    Yes, the settings for these kinds of things are in the paper-world-defaults.yml in the config folder inside the File Manager.
  9. Double-check it's disabled on the website, make sure you saved changes, also try doing /whitelist off in-game, have your friend join, add them to the whitelist, then re-enable it if you wish.
  10. Moved to Skript category. The Help category is for general help, Skript forum for Skript help and so on.
  11. Post your logs here. It is crashing at startup. How to get logs: File Manager Logs folder Latest.log at the bottom of the folder Download and post here
  12. Enable it in server.properties (or is it some yml folder?) and make sure it saves there. 1.12.2 with mods can be dodgy, so stuff like this is bound to happen.
  13. Post your logs here. It is crashing at startup. How to get logs: File Manager Logs folder Latest.log at the bottom of the folder Download and post here
  14. How is it not working? What error do you get? You should be able to select and purchase a plan that will activate after a force hibernation.
  15. Follow this guide and choose a method: http://bit.ly/3StasQC
  16. That's an encryped file.. You don't need to access any encrypted files to set up your port. Follow this guide: Yes, it's votifier NOT simple voice chat, but you can still follow the guide in there on how to set up a port. Just use the port for Simple voice chat instead.
  17. I recommend opening a support ticket about that, it's probably something to do with worlds that changed from 1.18 to 1.20, but support can actually access your server and help you out better. https://support.minehut.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  18. Moved to Help category. Make sure you are using the correct categories when posting.
  19. What server type do you have ? Paper or modded?
  20. rosabel

    Skins not showing

    Is it an external? This could be an issue with the way it's set up if so. Or, it could be a Mojang issue, although unlikely. Is it still happening?
  21. rosabel

    Server Not Working

    It looks like a Skript issue. Try disabling all your Skripts and see if your server still crashes. Providing the full, entire log would also be helpful.
  22. Moved to Skript Releases. All Skript-related things belong in the Skript category.
  23. rosabel

    Please Help

    Never download plugins from untrusted sources. If you got an auto-response in your email when you submitted the ticket it'll only be a matter of time now before it's answered, so be patient. Post moved to Help category (be sure to post support-related posts in the proper Help category).
  24. I'm sorry but there is no way if you don't own the server.
  25. rosabel

    Server plan

    Custom plan you can customize more ram and CPU for more credits per month. Every paid plan has unlimited players & daily time limit removed
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