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Posts posted by ChilkinsJr

  1. On 4/28/2020 at 6:09 PM, Elektrodes said:

    Hey! If you wanna go to a thread to talk about this (you have all the right to), I suggest going here. It's a good way to push to revert the plugin limit!

    In the meantime, however, it might be beneficial to learn skript. You can cut down on a lot of plugins by using the skript plugins provided and making them your own.

    I hate you now.

  2. On 8/2/2020 at 7:45 AM, St4ckY said:

    Add me on Discord, I need skript for crates! Obj3cT_#6914

    	item: sea lantern #This is the item of the lootbox
    	name: &b&lLoot Box #This is the name of the lootbox
    	animation: true #Whether placing a lootbox should play an animation or not
    	sound: true #Whether placing a lootbox should play a sound or not
    	lore: &7Place for Rewards! #The lore of the lootbox
    on place of {@item}:
    	if name of player's tool is "{@name}":
    		if {@animation} is true:
    			wait 2 ticks
    			set block to red stained glass
    			wait 2 ticks
    			set block to orange stained glass
    			wait 2 ticks
    			set block to yellow stained glass
    			wait 2 ticks
    			set block to lime stained glass
    			wait 2 ticks
    			set block to blue stained glass
    			wait 2 ticks
    			set block to purple stained glass
    			wait 2 ticks
    			set block to black stained glass
    			wait 2 ticks
    			if {@sound} is true:
    				play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 5 and pitch 16 at player 
    		else if {@sound} is true:
    			play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 5 and pitch 16 at player 
    		set block to air
    		set {_loot} to a random element out of {lootbox::*}
    		give player {_loot}
    		send action bar "&3&lYou Won:&b %{_loot}%" to player
    command /lootbox [<text>] [<number=1>] [<player=%player%>]:
    	permission: op
    		if arg-1 is "give":
    			give arg-2 of {@item} named "{@name}" with lore "{@lore}" to arg-3
    		else if arg-1 is "add":
    			if player's tool is not air:
    				add player's tool to {lootbox::*}
    				send "&3&lLootbox &6» &bItem successfully added!" to player
    				send "&3&lLootbox &6» &bYou can't add air!" to player
    		else if arg-1 is "remove":
    			if {lootbox::*} contains player's tool:
    				remove player's tool from {lootbox::*}
    				send "&3&lLootbox &6» &bItem successfully added!" to player
    				send "&3&lLootbox &6» &bYour item was not found in the lootbox!" to player
    		else if arg-1 is "list":
    			send "&3&lLootbox List:" to player
    			loop {lootbox::*}:
    				send "&9[%loop-index%] &b%loop-value%" to player
    			send "&3&lUsage:" to player
    			send " &b/lootbox give [<amount>] [<player>]" to player
    			send " &b/lootbox add (Must be holding item)" to player
    			send " &b/lootbox remove (Must be holding item)" to player
    			send " &b/lootbox list" to player

    Made by somebody else.

  3. 20 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:
    	goldenappleprice: 10
    	appleprice: 5
    	specialitem: dirt
    every 15 seconds:
    	loop all players:
        	if {random::*} contains loop-player:
    			give a random item out of all items to the loop-player
    command /toggle:
        	if {random::*} contains player:
            	remove player from {random::*}
            	add player to {random::*}
    on death of player:
    	attacker is a player
    	add 5 to {points::%attacker's uuid%}
    	if {points::%attacker's uuid%} is 20:
    		# code to give vip
    	else if {points::%attacker's uuid%} is 40:
    		# code to give mvp
    on right click with {@specialitem}:
    	# code for special rank
    on damage of player:
    	if victim's health < 5:
    		send formatted "<command:/goldenapple>Click to buy some Golden Apples"
    		send formatted "<command:/apple>Click to buy some Apples"
    command /goldenapple:
        	if player's balance >= {@goldenappleprice}:
    			remove {@goldenappleprice} from player's balance
    			give player golden apple
    			send "Golden Apple purchased"
    command /apple:
        	if player's balance >= {@appleprice}:
    			remove {@appleprice} from player's balance
    			give player apple
    			send "Apple purchased"
    command /lightningstick:
    	permission: lightning.stick
        	give player stick named "Lightning Stick!"
    on right click with stick named "Lightning Stick!":
    	strike lightning at event-location
    on citizen click: # requires skellet
    	citizen's name is "Nether": # requires citizens to create the npc
    		teleport player to location(0, 100, 0, world "world_nether") # change this to where you want the player to be teleported
    	citizen's name is "Overworld":
    		teleport player to location(0, 100, 0, world "world") # change this to where you want the player to be teleported
    on death of player:
    	if last damage cause is fall:
    		set death message to "%victim% forgot how gravity works!"

    None of this is tested so some of them might not work. For the buying golden apples and apples part, didn't know which currency you used so just used essentials eco. You can change the price of each in the options. Also didn't know what item you wanted for the special item to get the special rank so you can set that in the options too. For the rank giving part for points, didn't know what permission plugin you used so just change the comment i placed do execute console command "/command" and set the command to give the player the rank.

    For this part, use a plugin called Multiverse and Void Generator to create a void world. To create the void world, do /mv create (world) normal -g VoidGenerator


    Some of these indents got messed up in the post for some reason but if you know the basics of skript, you can easily fix them.

    Can I use a couple of those in my website. (You do get credit ofcourse)

  4. 9 hours ago, Hiiiiiir said:


    I really want to make a good server but i dont know how to skript. Is there anyone who would like to skript with me, and if so what is your dicord name and tag, and what is your minecraft username??

    Things I want skripted if possible:

    Every 15 seconds, you get a random item.

    If you kill a player, you get 5 points. If you get 20 points, you get VIP rank. 40 points equals MVP rank, and so on.

    You can get a special item in game, and if you right click it,  you get a SECRET rank.

    Whenever you are low on health, it gives you a option to buy some gapples for a certian price or to get some normal apples for free.

    If you are a admin on the server, you have a special stick, which when you right click it, it summons lightning.

    Custom death messages, like if you fall  to your death, it would says "[Playername] forgot how gravity works!".

    A /toggle command so you can toggle getting random items every 15 seconds.

    A npc that warps you to the end or the nether, and then back.

    I need it so a certian place is spawn protected, but then the rest isnt.

    I know this isn't really a skript, but make the whole world a void except for the spawn.

    Sorry if some of these arent skript related, but i'm not a expert of it.

    Please reply to me if you can do these!!!

    Bruv, You are not getting all these for free 😕

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