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Posts posted by ChilkinsJr

  1. On 8/4/2019 at 7:41 PM, OMGPVP2 said:

    2 Ideas:

    a broadcast skript like this





    (whatever prefix you like)


    This is an example if someone didn't use color code

    Broadcast I love Minehut

    If someone used color codes in it:

    Broadcast: Minehut is the fricken best!


    Also make a public tempban, warn, unwarn, and mute/unmute skript.


    Tempban Example:

    command: /tempban TacticalModz 30d good person



    CrazySteve79 tempbanned TactialModz for 30 days Reason: being a good skripter (any colors you want)


    command: /warn TacticalModz being a good person

    command: /unwarn TacticalModz being a good person

    CrazySteve79 warned TactialModz for being a good person

    CrazySteve79 unawrned TactialModz for being a good person



    CrazySteve79 tempmuted TacticalModz for 30 mins Reason: swearing

    CrazySteve79 permanently muted TacticalModz for swearing

    CrazySteve79 unmuted TacticalModz reason: being sexy and he knows it


      Reveal hidden contents
      Reveal hidden contents
      Reveal hidden contents





    command /alert [<text>]:
        permission: aler.use
        permission message: &cInsufficient Permissions!
            if arg-1 is not set:
                send "&cPlease write something!"
            if arg-1 is set:
                broadcast "&c&lAlert | &f%coloured arg-1%"

    This next one was made by xlr100#6932

    #Made by xlr100#6932 (For any bugs)
    #version: 1
        prefix = "&c&lPunish »" #Change the prefix in chat
        error.offline: "%{prefix}% &cThe player is not online"
        usage.kick: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/kick <player> <reason>"
        usage.warn: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/warn <player> <reason>"
        usage.mute: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/mute <player> <time> <reason>"
        usage.unmute: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/unmute <player> <reason>"
        usage.ban: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/ban <player> <time> <reason>"
        usage.unban: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/unban <player> <reason>"
        format.time: "&cThe time needs to be in the following format: <amount><sec/min/hour/day> (For example 10min)"
        usage.logs: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/logs <player> &cor &7&7/logs server"
        command.cooldown: 5 seconds #Change the cooldown for the command
    on load:
        wait 1 tick
    function Time_Register():
        clear {time.types::*}
        set {time.types::second} to "sec"
        set {time.types::minute} to "min"
        set {time.types::hour} to "hour"
        set {time.types::day} to "day"
        clear {letters::*}
        set {_str} to "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,/,!,@,##,$,%%,^,*,(,),{,},[,],"",|,;,',`,?"
        set {letters::*} to {_str} split at ","
    function PunishTime_Register():
        set {punish.time::mute::1} to "5 Minutes" 
        set {punish.time::mute::2} to "30 Minutes" 
        set {punish.time::mute::3} to "1 Hour" 
        set {punish.time::mute::4} to "1 Day"
        set {punish.time::ban::1} to "1 Hour" 
        set {punish.time::ban::2} to "12 Hours" 
        set {punish.time::ban::3} to "1 Day" 
        set {punish.time::ban::4} to "30 Days"
    function PunishColor_Register():
        clear {punish.color::*}
        set {punish.color::warns} to "&e"
        set {punish.color::kicks} to "&f"
        set {punish.color::mutes} to "&8"
        set {punish.color::bans} to "&c"
    function PunishShow_Register():
        clear {punish.show::*}
        set {punish.show::warns} to "Warn"
        set {punish.show::kicks} to "Kick"
        set {punish.show::mutes} to "Mute"
        set {punish.show::bans} to "Ban"
    function Time_Check(time: string, c: boolean = true) :: boolean:
        loop {letters::*}:
            {_num} contains loop-value-2:
                set {_c} to false
                exit loop
        return {_c}
    on inventory close:
        delete {inventory::%player's uuid%}
    command /logs [<offline player>] [<text>] [<number>]:
        permission: skript.logs
            if arg-1 is set:
                if "%arg-1%" is "clear":
                    player is op
                    clear {%arg-2%::*}
                    send "%{prefix}% &aCleared all %arg-2%"
                else if arg-2 isn't set:
                    set {_menu} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "Logs %arg-1%"
                    set slot (integers from 0 to 8) of {_menu} to black glass pane named " "
                    set slot (integers from 37 to 45) of {_menu} to black glass pane named " "
                    set slot 36 of {_menu} to barrier named "&cClose"
                    set slot 19 of {_menu} to yellow concrete named "&e&lWarns"
                    set slot 21 of {_menu} to white concrete named "&f&lKicks"
                    set slot 23 of {_menu} to gray concrete named "&8&lMutes"
                    set slot 25 of {_menu} to red concrete named "&c&lBans"
                    open {_menu} to player
                    set {inventory::%player's uuid%} to "logs.main/%arg-1%"
                else if arg-2 is "warns" or "kicks" or "mutes" or "bans":
                    set {_menu} to chest inventory with 6 rows named "Logs %arg-1% - %{punish.show::%arg-2%}%"
                    set slot (integers from 0 to 8) of {_menu} to black glass pane named " "
                    set slot (integers from 46 to 53) of {_menu} to black glass pane named " "
                    set slot 45 of {_menu} to barrier named "&cBack"
                    set {_color} to {punish.color::%arg-2%}
                    set {_slot} to 9
                    if arg-1 isn't "server":
                        loop {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::%arg-2%::*}:
                            set {_id} to loop-value
                            if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff} is set:
                                if arg-2 is "warns" or "kicks":
                                    set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%" and "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%"               
                                    if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm":
                                        set {_time} to {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan
                                        set {_time} to {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time}
                                    if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.staff} is set:
                                        set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%", "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%", "&7Length: %{_color}%%{_time}%", "&7Canceled By: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.staff}%" and "&7Reason For Cancel: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.reason}%"
                                        set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%", "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%" and "&7Length: %{_color}%%{_time}%" 
                                add 1 to {_slot}
                                if {_slot} >= 45:
                                    set slot 54 of {_menu} to arrow named "&eNext Page"
                                    exit loop
                                remove {_id} from {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::%arg-2%::*}
                        if arg-3 isn't set:
                            set {_c} to true
                            set slot 45 of {_menu} to arrow named "&ePrevious Page"
                        set {_need} to arg-3
                        loop all indices of {%arg-2%::*}:
                            if {_c} isn't true:
                                add 1 to {_num}
                                if {_num} >= {_need} - 1:
                                    set {_c} to true
                                set {_id} to loop-value
                                if arg-2 is "warns" or "kicks":
                                    set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Player: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::player}%", "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%" and "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%"               
                                    if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm":
                                        set {_time} to {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan
                                        set {_time} to {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time}
                                    if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.staff} is set:
                                        set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Player: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::player}%", "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%", "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%", "&7Length: %{_color}%%{_time}%", "&7Canceled By: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.staff}%" and "&7Reason For Cancel: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.reason}%"
                                        set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Player: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::player}%", "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%", "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%" and "&7Length: %{_color}%%{_time}%" 
                                add 1 to {_slot}
                                if {_slot} >= 45:
                                    set slot 53 of {_menu} to arrow named "&eNext Page"
                                    set {_last} to (loop-value parsed as integer) + 1
                                    exit loop
                    open {_menu} to player
                    if {_last} is set:
                        set {inventory::%player's uuid%} to "logs.%arg-2%/%arg-1%/%{_last}%"
                        set {inventory::%player's uuid%} to "logs.%arg-2%/%arg-1%"
                send {@usage.logs}
    on inventory click:
        if {inventory::%player's uuid%} contains "logs":
            cancel event
            if {inventory::%player's uuid%} contains "main":
                if event-slot is concrete:
                    set {_temp::*} to {inventory::%player's uuid%} split at "/"
                    make player execute command "/logs %{_temp::2}% %uncolored name of event-slot in lower case%"
                else if event-slot is barrier:
                    close player's inventory
                if event-slot is barrier:
                    set {_temp::*} to {inventory::%player's uuid%} split at "/"
                    make player execute command "/logs %{_temp::2}%"
                else if event-slot is arrow:
                    set {_temp::*} to {inventory::%player's uuid%} split at "/"
                    set {_type} to {_temp::1}
                    replace all "logs." in {_type} with ""
                    if uncolored name of event-slot contains "Next":
                        set {_num} to {_temp::3}
                        set {_num} to ("%{_temp::3}%" parsed as integer) - 36
                        if {_num} <= 1:
                            make player execute command "/logs %{_temp::2}% %{_type}%"
                    make player execute command "/logs %{_temp::2}% %{_type}% %{_num}%"
    command /warn [<player>] [<text>]:
        permission: skript.warn
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-1 is online:
                    if arg-2 is set:
                        add 1 to {warn.count}
                        set {warns::%{warn.count}%::player} to arg-1
                        set {warns::%{warn.count}%::staff} to player
                        set {warns::%{warn.count}%::reason} to arg-2
                        set {warns::%{warn.count}%::when} to now
                        add {warn.count} to {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::warns::*}
                        broadcast "&e&lWarns » &e%arg-1% &7has been warned by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-2% &7(ID: %{warn.count}%)"
                        send {@usage.warn}
                    send {@error.offline}
                send {@usage.warn}
    command /kick [<player>] [<text>]:
        permission: skript.kick
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-1 is online:
                    if arg-2 is set:
                        add 1 to {kick.count}
                        set {kicks::%{kick.count}%::player} to arg-1
                        set {kicks::%{kick.count}%::staff} to player
                        set {kicks::%{kick.count}%::reason} to arg-2
                        set {kicks::%{kick.count}%::when} to now
                        add {kick.count} to {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::kicks::*}
                        kick arg-1 due to "&fYou were kicked by %player% for %arg-2% (ID: %{kick.count}%)"
                        send {@usage.kick}
                    send {@error.offline}
                send {@usage.kick}
    command /mute [<offline player>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        permission: skript.mute
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-2 is set:
                    if arg-3 is set:
                        set {_time} to arg-2 in lower case
                        if {_time} isn't "perm":
                            loop {time.types::*}:
                                if {_time} contains loop-value:
                                    set {_num} to {_time} 
                                    replace all loop-value in {_num} with ""
                                    if Time_Check({_num}) is true:
                                        set {_length} to "%{_num}% %loop-index%"
                                    exit loop
                            set {_length} to {_time}
                        if {_length} is set:
                            add 1 to {mute.count}
                            set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::player} to arg-1
                            set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::staff} to player
                            set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::reason} to arg-3
                            set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::time} to {_length}
                            set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::when} to now
                            add {mute.count} to {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::mutes::*}
                            set {mute::%arg-1's uuid%} to {mute.count}
                            broadcast "%{prefix}% &e%arg-1% &7has been muted by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-3% &7(ID: %{mute.count}%)"
                            send "&cThe time needs to be in the following format: <amount><sec/min/hour/day> (For example 10min)"
                        send {@usage.mute}
                    send {@usage.mute}
                send {@usage.mute}
    command /unmute [<offline player>] [<text>]:
        permission: skript.mute
            if arg-1 and arg-2 is set:
                if {mute::%arg-1's uuid%} is set:
                    set {_id} to {mute::%arg-1's uuid%}
                    if {mutes::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm":
                        set {_wait} to difference between {mutes::%{_id}%::when} and now
                        if {_wait} < {mutes::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan:
                            set {_c} to true
                            delete {mute::%arg-1's uuid%}
                        set {_c} to true
                    if {_c} is true:
                        set {_id} to {mute::%arg-1's uuid%}
                        set {mutes::%{_id}%::undo.staff} to player
                        set {mutes::%{_id}%::undo.reason} to arg-2
                        set {mutes::%{_id}%::undo.when} to now
                        delete {mute::%arg-1's uuid%}
                        broadcast "%{prefix}% &e%arg-1% &7has been unmuted by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-2%"
                        send "%{prefix}% &cThis player isn't muted"
                    send "%{prefix}% &cThis player isn't muted"
                send {@usage.unmute}
    on chat:
        if {mute::%player's uuid%} is set:
            set {_id} to {mute::%player's uuid%}
            if {mutes::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm":
                set {_wait} to difference between {mutes::%{_id}%::when} and now
                set {_need} to {mutes::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan
                if {_wait} >= {_need}:
                    delete {mute::%player's uuid%}
                    cancel event
                    send colored "%{prefix}% &cYou can't talk while being muted (time remaining %difference between {_wait} and {_need}%)"
                cancel event
                send colored "%{prefix}% &cYou can't talk while being muted (Perm muted)"
    command /ban [<offline player>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        permission: skript.ban
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-2 is set:
                    if arg-3 is set:
                        set {_time} to arg-2 in lower case
                        if {_time} isn't "perm":
                            loop {time.types::*}:
                                if {_time} contains loop-value:
                                    set {_num} to {_time} 
                                    replace all loop-value in {_num} with ""
                                    if Time_Check({_num}) is true:
                                        set {_length} to "%{_num}% %loop-index%"
                                    exit loop
                            set {_length} to {_time}
                        if {_length} is set:
                            add 1 to {ban.count}
                            set {bans::%{ban.count}%::player} to arg-1
                            set {bans::%{ban.count}%::staff} to player
                            set {bans::%{ban.count}%::reason} to arg-3
                            set {bans::%{ban.count}%::time} to {_length}
                            set {bans::%{ban.count}%::when} to now
                            add {ban.count} to {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::bans::*}
                            set {ban::%arg-1's uuid%} to {ban.count}
                            if {_length} isn't "perm":
                                kick arg-1 due to "&cYou are banned! You can rejoin in %{_length} parsed as timespan% &7Staff: &b%{bans::%{ban.count}%::staff}% &7Reason: &b%{bans::%{ban.count}%::reason}%"
                                kick arg-1 due to "&cYou are perm banned! &7Staff: &b%{bans::%{ban.count}%::staff}% &7Reason: &b%{bans::%{ban.count}%::reason}%"
                            broadcast "%{prefix}% &e%arg-1% &7has been banned by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-3% &7(ID: %{ban.count}%)"
                            send {@format.time}
                        send {@usage.ban}
                    send {@usage.ban}
                send {@usage.ban}
    command /unban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
        permission: skript.ban
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-2 is set:
                    if {ban::%arg-1's uuid%} is set:
                        set {_id} to {ban::%arg-1's uuid%}
                        if {bans::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm":
                            set {_wait} to difference between {bans::%{_id}%::when} and now
                            if {_wait} < {bans::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan:
                                set {_c} to true
                                delete {ban::%arg-1's uuid%}
                            set {_c} to true
                        if {_c} is true:
                            set {_id} to {ban::%arg-1's uuid%}
                            set {bans::%{_id}%::undo.staff} to player
                            set {bans::%{_id}%::undo.reason} to arg-2
                            set {bans::%{_id}%::undo.when} to now
                            delete {ban::%arg-1's uuid%}
                            broadcast "%{prefix}% &e%arg-1% &7has been unbanned by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-2%"
                            send "%{prefix}% &cThis player isn't banned"
                        send "%{prefix}% &cThis player isn't banned"
                    send {@usage.unban}
                send {@usage.unban}
    on connect:
        if {ban::%player's uuid%} is set:
            set {_id} to {ban::%player's uuid%}
            if {bans::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm":
                set {_wait} to difference between {bans::%{_id}%::when} and now
                set {_need} to {bans::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan
                if {_wait} >= {_need}:
                    delete {ban::%player's uuid%}
                    kick player due to "&cYou are banned! You can rejoin in %difference between {_wait} and {_need}% &7Since: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::when}% &7Staff: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::staff}% &7Reason: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::reason}%"
                kick player due to "&cYou are perm banned! &7Since: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::when}% &7Staff: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::staff}% &7Reason: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::reason}%"
    No definition found.
    Search the web for "xlr100#6932" »


  2. Coming_very_soon_to_a_theatre_near_you.thumb.jpg.88dd4085721b8412009c8b4079757585.jpg'

    The Amazing website to help you with your minecraft and minehut problems with skripts.

    Hey there! If you want to have great skripts, but don't know how to make them? *yes* Well you're in luck, because a new website is being released. It is just like skriptify, Just.... different design and it isn't stolen.  want to thank @farwl for helping me with the components and where to find the best things for the website. He technically made this idea happen. So special thanks to @farwl for helping me get the things I needed. Back to advertisement; We have a forums page and you can post your skripts there so we can post it on the website. Just make sure to put your discord name or your minecraft name in it. We also have live chat, so If you need help with your server or skript, you can get help very fast by taking to one of our staff. (We have limited staff)

  3. It will be about skript help, coding lessons, and some building ideas for my server. Let me know if you have any ideas, and if your name gets picked (I am still thinking of a prize) youy get a prize. It could be money, name in credits, or get to help with keeping the server nice and sturdy. Sorry to Farwl for.. kinda copying his. I will try to think of good designs that make you not...  mad. Thanks 🙂

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