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Everything posted by nullific

  1. nullific

    1.16 Nether update

    In order to connect to playerservers via 1.16 the playerserver must have ViaVersion installed I do believe.
  2. As stated above, with any Minehut update you make your server enter hibernation then start it again. Plugins automatically update, including the server. None of the server will corrupt. In order to get the new 1.16 features, you'll need to generate new world chunks. It's suggested you reset all worlds for the full 1.16 experience.
  3. congratulations to all, and well done for all who participated
  4. nullific


    start the server, stop the server. view here for more help:
  5. nullific

    Server RESET

    METHOD 1: you can download your worlds via /dl world (worldname) or a world downloader mod. then reset the server and upload your world. METHOD 2: you can remove plugins individually and go through all files and delete the ones you don't want.
  6. hi there, basically once the server is starting up spam the command i've left after this message into the server console box under appearance tab on your dasboard. i suggest you copy and paste using CTRL + C(copy) then CTRL + V(paste). Spam it into the console(paste repeatedly and press ENTER) Remember to NOT use a / when using the console: gamerule randomTickSpeed 3
  7. nullific

    I can not join

    always include detail in your answer, if it's "could not connect to fallback" etc, then the server is not online yet. wait 30-20seconds before trying to connect again.
  8. as stated above, giving more detail would help vastly. it's more than likely the command you're executing. you don't need / in command blocks as they act as console commands. an example would be: minecraft:tp @a[r=1] 0 4 0 this will tekeport all the users in radius 1 of the command block to X0, Y4. and X0
  9. Hey! is there any error message your friend gets when joining?
  10. you cant use cracked on minehut, purchase minecraft
  11. try it, should be able to
  12. that was an example, you change the event for example: on sneak toggle: sbRefresh(player)
  13. i often use functions, e.g: on chat: sbRefresh(player) function sbRefresh(p: player): wipe {_p}'s sidebar set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p} set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&cservername" set score " " in sidebar of {_p} to 9 set score "&erandomvar: %{varofplayer::%{_uuid}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 8 set score " " in sidebar of {_p} to 7
  14. you can use custom domains! Watch this tutorial here on how:
  15. nullific

    Need Help!!

    don't believe so, minehut probably uses it as a watermark
  16. Hey! perhaps the plugin is outdated, or you're missing an addon for it. Try looking up a higher version than 0.2.9 for BedWars, then suggesting it on plugins forum area.
  17. nullific

    Cannot Access Server

    never give up! servers cannot be removed from your dashboard, after typing /join make sure to keep trying as sometimes it "forgets"
  18. Hey! sorry about the wait. This is a known issue I believe, i suggest you regularly backup your world via downloading it using a world downloader mod or in-game commands.
  19. a verbal warning at first is usually given, if the user doesn't listen and continues then punishment is justified
  20. try using functions, use https://skripthub.net/docs/ to help you.
  21. nullific

    Essentials Plugin

    you need op, this can be found on the minehut youtube tutorial web
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