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Everything posted by colorblindcolin

  1. I'm relatively sure Minehut is having some issues currently. Just ignore the server for now, it probably won't harm it in any way.
  2. It looks like this plugin requires a mod as a dependancy, and from my knowledge at least it won't be implemented into Minehut because of this. I may be incorrect, but I don't think mods are enabled in any way.
  3. Just checked again; yeah, you're right. It seems that in the past few minutes Minehut has been "whitelisted" for maintenance.
  4. Not quite sure what you mean; Are you specifying that the commands the plugins add don't function? Make sure to reload the server after adding a plugin. Please give some more information, thanks!
  5. I'm not completely sure, but I think Minehut is either: 1. At the max server capacity or 2. Having actual issues Either way, I suggest you simply wait and try again later.
  6. You could make this with Skript; this will most likely require prior knowledge or research though.
  7. Do you have any plugins installed? Things like WorldGuard can do things like this.
  8. Please use the Marketplace tab for stuff like this
  9. If the server limit is reached, you won't be able to start one up; that may be the issue you're having. I'm not too educated on the connections topic, but you can try connecting to servers on the server list and seeing if those work.
  10. %player% is the placeholder for the player who executes the command; hopefully that's what you needed, not sure I completely understand the issue.
  11. Minehut allows hacks as long as they aren't obnoxious in the hub. You may, however, want to go to your server's panel and head to the Settings tab. Here you can enable flight.
  12. https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360034636992-Changing-Your-Email-Address-Legacy-Minecraft-Accounts-
  13. Use %arg-1% to specify that you are utilizing the player in the command string. With this, you can check which world the player being kicked is in.
  14. You can join the Minehut servers through Bedrock versions using the following steps: 1. Go to the multiplayer list and click "Add Server" 2. Set the server address to bedrock.minehut.com and keep the port it defaults with 3. Connect to the Minehut hub and execute /join <server> Please note that Minehut's Geyser proxies are quite whacky, so you may not be able to always connect.
  15. You can join the Minehut servers through Bedrock versions using the following steps: 1. Go to the multiplayer list and click "Add Server" 2. Set the server address to bedrock.minehut.com and keep the port it defaults with 3. Connect to the Minehut hub and execute /join <server> Please note that Minehut's Geyser proxies are a little whacky, so you may not be able to always connect. If you want to make it so only Bedrock accounts can join, you can install the plugin Skript and insert the following: on join: set {_name} to the player's display name if {_name} does not contain "*": ban the player due to "&cThis server is exclusive to Bedrock accounts!" Hope I helped!
  16. You can select a region with WorldEdit and execute the command //fixlighting This should hopefully remove any unwanted dark appearances!
  17. There are 3 ways to keep a server online, but I recommend the first. 1. AFKing on it 2. Purchasing the final Minehut server plan (MH Unlimited) 3. Constantly starting it from the panel whenever it goes down (Don't do this, waste of time)
  18. Minehut's Geyser proxies are (I think) outdated, and their Geyser port is very buggy at times. I'm quite sure developers are aware, but Bedrock is a far less superior amount of the Minehut playerbase and therefore does not have priority unfortunately.
  19. Whoops, forgot to edit the GUI after copy pasting; just change all the parts with "player" to {_p} and it should function. Sorry about that!
  20. You can try the function based one I sent.
  21. You can make the GUI into a function, and activate the function when you close it. Example: function openGUI(p: player): open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&0Set Up" to {_p} format gui slot 8 of {_p} with paper named "&4&lImportant!" with lore "&c&lDO NOT CLOSE THIS GUI" format gui slot 20 of {_p} with map named "Clans" to run: execute {_p} command "/1" format gui slot 22 of {_p} with iron sword named "Kits" to run: execute {_p} command "/2" format gui slot 24 of {_p} with book named "Receive Books" to run: execute {_p} command "/3" on inventory close: if name of event-inventory contains "&0Set Up": openGUI(player) command /gui: trigger: openGUI(player)
  22. on inventory close: if name of event-inventory contains "<name here>": cancel event Give that a go
  23. You have to throw a significant amount of food from what I am aware, try throwing a stack of carrots or something.
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