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Everything posted by colorblindcolin

  1. My man really joined like a week ago and already doubled my posts... smmmhh my head
  2. You will lose some immediate changes though, so if you do something right before stopping it might get lost; also if there are rollbacks or low TPS some things might not save. Either way, nothing much should be lost but make sure it stops properly
  3. add 5 to exp of the player This will add XP directly with Skript. Edit: Sorry for the duplicate response, CoolProgrammer uploaded his at the same time lol
  4. Hey there! Please don't comment on posts as old as this. Try altering the tick speed with commands from console immediately after starting your server up and make sure to execute the command before loading any chunks.
  5. Hey! If this never ends up working, you can use vanilla Minecraft commands ( /execute as @a[name=!putyournamehere] run say Hi ) I'm not sure why it wouldn't be working unless the plugin has something wrong or the player sudoed is not online.
  6. Hey! Please don't post on topics over a month old; this is referred to as necroposting. I'm not aware which server you're talking about, but if it's your own server you can log into your console and check.
  7. Looks really neat! It’s a paid plugin though, usually means it will take longer / not be added unfortunately Also, wanted to point out you’re essentially duplicating your posts; please stick to only one post per plugin
  8. Please send this before it’s too late. I am in desperate need of the specified Skript. Please send it to my Discord as soon as possible! (iOmega#9999)
  9. Looks like one of the things I would never use but would be super cool haha Hope it gets added :))
  10. command /ads: aliases: /ad, /advertise, /advertisements, /advertisement trigger: send "" send "&aClick to receive the &2Default &aadvertisement! <tooltip:&aClick to receive the Default advertisement!><suggest command:/ad _________>&8[&9&lCLICK&8]<reset>" send "" send "&aClick to receive the &2VIP - Pro &aadvertisement! <tooltip:&aClick to receive the VIP - Pro advertisement!><suggest command:/ad _________>&8[&9&lCLICK&8]<reset>" send "" send "&aClick to receive the &2Legend - Patron &aadvertisement! <tooltip:&aClick to receive the Legend - Patron advertisement!><suggest command:/ad _________>&8[&9&lCLICK&8]<reset>" send ""
  11. If you have Multiverse Core, this will overwrite it. You’ll have to change it in your file manager > plugins > Multiverse > worlds
  12. Like honestly this guy is reporting necroposting while necroposting
  13. Why would you even comment on this... If nobody replies it doesn't matter
  14. ... that was my point lol if you didn’t and he did then who was I talking about
  15. This thread is literally 7 months old, please don't necropost. You might be able to do it in the paper configuration or something but please don't post in threads more than a month old.
  16. Gonna have to agree with you there Not only are they not fun but the staff/owners are always super annoying
  17. Not exactly sure what your issue is because you can easily switch gamemodes; you can do so by having operator (Given through console with /op <player> in your server panel) and simply execute /gamemode survival
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