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Everything posted by ProblemChild

  1. DM Me on discord if you need skripts Paid or not depends on difficulty Discord is Problem Child#6557
  2. every 15 seconds: loop all players: if {%loop-player%.random} = true: give loop-player a random element of dirt, Cobblestone, oak log wait 1 tick command /togglerandomitems: trigger: if {%player%.random} = true: set {%player%.random} to false message "&7You have disabled random items" to player else: set {%player%.random} to true message "&7You have enabled random items" to player there you go
  3. command /rebirth: trigger: set metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to dropper inventory named "Rebirth" set slot 4 of metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to totem of undying named "&eRebirth" with lore "&7&oBurn to rise again.", "", "&7Price: &e$%format(10000000*({rebirth::%player's uuid%} ? 1))%", "&cGrants +1x multiplier." open metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to player on inventory click: if event-inventory = metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player: cancel event if index of event-slot = 4: if player's balance >= 15000000 * ({rebirth::%player's uuid%} ? 1): remove 15000000 * ({rebirth::%player's uuid%} ? 1) from player's balance add 1 to {multiplier::%player's uuid%} and {rebirth::%player's uuid%} play sound "ui.toast.challenge_complete" for player set {generate::%player's uuid%} to 1 delete {generators::%player's uuid%::*} set player's balance to 0 clear player's inventory clear player's enderchest else: play sound "entity.villager.no" for some reason, this script has a cooldown so people cant rebirth. the cooldown is ish 10 min but idk how to fix it
  4. every 300 second in "(NAME OF WORLD HERE)": loop all players: if "%region at loop-player%" = "afk in world (NAME OF WORLD HERE)": send "&eYou have recieved &b[1] &aAFK Token" to loop-player give 1 sunflower named "&aAFK Token" to loop-player change (NAME OF WORLD HERE) to the name of the world you want them to recieve the tokens in and make a region called "afk"
  5. alr if you want to and have time Make me a gen skript that is very easy to configure Dm me on dc Problem Child#6557
  6. options: {Time} : 1 command /items: trigger: if {%player%.random} = true: set {%player%.random} to false message "&7You have disabled random items" to player else: set {%player%.random} to true message "&7You have enabled random items" to player every {@Time} seconds: loop all players: if {%loop-player%.random} = true: give loop-player a random item of all items wait 1 tick When you use a option you need to put a "@" in front otherwise it will think it as a variable
  7. either the server hasnt started yet or youre not whitelisted on the server or its something with your connection
  8. every 15 seconds: loop all players: if {%loop-player%.random} = true: give loop-player a random element of all items wait 1 tick command /togglerandomitems: trigger: if {%player%.random} = true: set {%player%.random} to false message "&7You have disabled random items" to player else: set {%player%.random} to true message "&7You have enabled random items" to player this is it but without the void island
  9. I skript you stuff if they aren't too hard to make and im just decent im not the best but give me a challenge cuz im bored and i also need ideas for my server
  10. oh i thought thats what you did at the beginning
  11. this happens to me too sometimes. try renaming the file to lobi.schem instead
  12. #Skript FULLY skripted by Problem Child#6557 and i would like you to Credit me if you use this on your server Thanks! Except that It is all free to use options: scuse: ## on chat: if first character of message is "{@scuse}": if player has permission "staff.sk": replace "{@scuse}" with "" in message set {_msg} to message send "&4&o[STAFFCHAT] &r %player's prefix% %player% >> %{_msg}%" to all players where [input has permission "staff.sk"] cancel event command /staffch <string>: permission: staff.sk aliases: sch trigger: if arg is set: send "&4&o[STAFFCHAT] &r %player's prefix% %player% >> %arg%" to all players where [input has permission "staff.sk"] Staff skript! USAGE: Either /staffch/sch (msg) or # (msg)
  13. could you send the file so i can test it? if it works for me?
  14. Hello! Heres how to make your own minehut server! The Setup step 1.(required) Well first you need an account on the minehut.com website step 2.(required) when youve setup an account then you head to "Dashboard" and create an server! Done That wasnt too bad right? Heres some extra stuff to get going! Plugins (OPTIONAL) Essentials + Essentials Spawn (Makes so you can shorten commands like instead of /gamemode creative you just do /gmc) Permissions Ex (Permission Plugin for ranks and stuff) WorldEdit (Makes it easier to edit your world) WorldGuard (Makes so you can set diffrent flags for places) How to make yourself or others an operator on the server (OPTIONAL BUT I RECOMMEND IT HIGHLY) Step 1. Go into the console for the server. Step 2. Go to the "Console Command" bar in the Console. Step 3. Write "op (your playername)" in the bar there and then send it Skript (OPTIONAL) Step 1. Install Skript in the Plugins folder Step 2. (Optional but i highly recommend it) Install Some addons for skript like SkBee Step 3. Install Vault Plugin. Step 4. Learn how skript works. like at the minehut video tutorials or someone that can teach you. Step 5. Start Skripting and Enjoy your skripts! Tadaa! Youve successfully setup a server Congrats I wish you guys the best!
  15. on right click on stone with wooden pickaxe named "&eStarter Pickaxe &7(Right click stone with this)": set event-block to air set {chance} to a random integer between 1 and 10 if {chance} = 1 give 1 clay ball named "&7Pebble" to player i think thats the skript idk im not sure i didnt test it
  16. this isnt yours is it? i saw it on another website somewhere
  17. Sorry for late response but i didnt find the pass for the account. idk how to do the first one but the second one is like Command /discord: trigger: send "Click on the link to join our discord! (discord link here) "
  18. on inventory click: if inventory = metadata tag "Upgrades" of player: if index of event-slot = 10: if player's balance >= 99: remove 100 from player's balance add 1 to {gain::%player's uuid%} else if index of event-slot = 11: if player's balance >= 199: remove 200 from player's balance add 2 to {gain::%player's uuid%} Why dont this work?
  19. Hello! Heres how to make your own minehut server! The Setup step 1.(required) Well first you need an account on the minehut.com website step 2.(required) when youve setup an account then you head to "Dashboard" and create an server! Done That wasnt too bad right? Heres some extra stuff to get going! Plugins (OPTIONAL) Essentials + Essentials Spawn (Makes so you can shorten commands like instead of /gamemode creative you just do /gmc) Permissions Ex (Permission Plugin for ranks and stuff) WorldEdit (Makes it easier to edit your world) WorldGuard (Makes so you can set diffrent flags for places) How to make yourself or others an operator on the server (OPTIONAL BUT I RECOMMEND IT HIGHLY) Step 1. Go into the console for the server. Step 2. Go to the "Console Command" bar in the Console. Step 3. Write "op (your playername)" in the bar there and then send it Tadaa! Youve successfully setup a server Congrats I wish you guys the best!
  20. I can skript some stuff thats not too hard for my knowledge but i can make things work! Things i struggle with tho is: Functions, and variables i guess!
  21. uhm so i could like need a skripting skript
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