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  1. DM Me on discord if you need skripts Paid or not depends on difficulty Discord is Problem Child#6557
  2. every 15 seconds: loop all players: if {%loop-player%.random} = true: give loop-player a random element of dirt, Cobblestone, oak log wait 1 tick command /togglerandomitems: trigger: if {%player%.random} = true: set {%player%.random} to false message "&7You have disabled random items" to player else: set {%player%.random} to true message "&7You have enabled random items" to player there you go
  3. command /rebirth: trigger: set metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to dropper inventory named "Rebirth" set slot 4 of metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to totem of undying named "&eRebirth" with lore "&7&oBurn to rise again.", "", "&7Price: &e$%format(10000000*({rebirth::%player's uuid%} ? 1))%", "&cGrants +1x multiplier." open metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to player on inventory click: if event-inventory = metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player: cancel event if index of event-slot = 4: if player's balance >= 15000000 * ({rebirth::%player's uuid%} ? 1): remove 15000000 * ({rebirth::%player's uuid%} ? 1) from player's balance add 1 to {multiplier::%player's uuid%} and {rebirth::%player's uuid%} play sound "ui.toast.challenge_complete" for player set {generate::%player's uuid%} to 1 delete {generators::%player's uuid%::*} set player's balance to 0 clear player's inventory clear player's enderchest else: play sound "entity.villager.no" for some reason, this script has a cooldown so people cant rebirth. the cooldown is ish 10 min but idk how to fix it
  4. every 300 second in "(NAME OF WORLD HERE)": loop all players: if "%region at loop-player%" = "afk in world (NAME OF WORLD HERE)": send "&eYou have recieved &b[1] &aAFK Token" to loop-player give 1 sunflower named "&aAFK Token" to loop-player change (NAME OF WORLD HERE) to the name of the world you want them to recieve the tokens in and make a region called "afk"
  5. alr if you want to and have time Make me a gen skript that is very easy to configure Dm me on dc Problem Child#6557
  6. options: {Time} : 1 command /items: trigger: if {%player%.random} = true: set {%player%.random} to false message "&7You have disabled random items" to player else: set {%player%.random} to true message "&7You have enabled random items" to player every {@Time} seconds: loop all players: if {%loop-player%.random} = true: give loop-player a random item of all items wait 1 tick When you use a option you need to put a "@" in front otherwise it will think it as a variable
  7. either the server hasnt started yet or youre not whitelisted on the server or its something with your connection
  8. every 15 seconds: loop all players: if {%loop-player%.random} = true: give loop-player a random element of all items wait 1 tick command /togglerandomitems: trigger: if {%player%.random} = true: set {%player%.random} to false message "&7You have disabled random items" to player else: set {%player%.random} to true message "&7You have enabled random items" to player this is it but without the void island
  9. I skript you stuff if they aren't too hard to make and im just decent im not the best but give me a challenge cuz im bored and i also need ideas for my server
  10. oh i thought thats what you did at the beginning
  11. this happens to me too sometimes. try renaming the file to lobi.schem instead
  12. #Skript FULLY skripted by Problem Child#6557 and i would like you to Credit me if you use this on your server Thanks! Except that It is all free to use options: scuse: ## on chat: if first character of message is "{@scuse}": if player has permission "staff.sk": replace "{@scuse}" with "" in message set {_msg} to message send "&4&o[STAFFCHAT] &r %player's prefix% %player% >> %{_msg}%" to all players where [input has permission "staff.sk"] cancel event command /staffch <string>: permission: staff.sk aliases: sch trigger: if arg is set: send "&4&o[STAFFCHAT] &r %player's prefix% %player% >> %arg%" to all players where [input has permission "staff.sk"] Staff skript! USAGE: Either /staffch/sch (msg) or # (msg)
  13. could you send the file so i can test it? if it works for me?
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