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Everything posted by Preinstalled

  1. Oops, I typed "Sweat" Lmao Got the reason lmao
  2. I just loved the update, that's it. Just a unique way of expressing.
  3. Still not sure if this update made any difference for me lmao.
  4. I think it is mentioned above if you read carefully.
  5. stop isn't needed in commands as far as I know, but adding it won't mean any harm.
  6. Can you please elaborate it?
  7. What type of programmers are you talking about?
  8. Love it, should be added and the name ShaneBee seems familiar to me, just can't remember from where.
  9. STORY FRAMING Lets play a quick story framing game. What to do? I'll give a phrase that'll mark the beginning of the story. You will have to add 4 - 8 words to frame the next part. The story could be endless. Phrase: I got lost in a forest when....... I'll try replying.
  10. Good luck. Lets hope to see some more staff members to annoy.
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