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Everything posted by Fusezion

  1. Making Free Skripts I'm currently bored and waiting for my friend to send me a few details about his server. So I've decided in the meantime I'll make free skripts for people. There won't be really any restrictions towards what I'll make but if I know I'm unable to or just don't feel like making it then I am in the right to decline the request. Rules & Requirements: Rules: Appropriate not something that goes against the ToS and Rules of the forums Related towards Minehut not an external server skript on Minehut isn't a public build some things that work here won't on others Look in the replys before adding your request in case I've already made it prior Don't go offering the skript on the market place for money or saying you made it Requirements: Try to keep them simple I don't want to see anything like a fully functional game that players can play I normally will keep them under 200 lines but I am willing to go above it for some of them Explain in as much detail how the skript should work don't go saying durability tracker and not explain how you want it to work in a gui or action bar. Player's tool or player's tool and armor This post will stay open for further replys until I get the information or it's been dead for a month
  2. Vixio has recently been updated to version 2.0.7 today however it has a warning that if we don't update by 10/07/2020 our discord bots would stop functioning Download link: Vixio
  3. man just reized how useful sign guis would be bot captchas would be more fun XD let's see a list of skripts that would be changed due to sign guis alone Sign Guis: /nickname more people would be able to make a more stable nickname skript that works like hypixles since we seem to love to rip them off bot captcha instead of always having to check the chat chat or a gui people could use signs maybe even make it 2 step proccess anvils I personally enjoy making custom anvils as it's easier for custom enchants and with sign guis we can add a rename searching people have now learned we can use stuff like where [input = blah] for searchs with signs we can make it better reports not much there it's fairly basic /report *sign opens* player and reason (basic) or even using the search for admin stuff there's most likely plenty more I just want people to understand signs have multiple uses all that we need now are virtual books once we get that well then all our issues are solved until minecraft makes another large change
  4. I don't normally post topics unless I view them as useful or just generally needed such as SkBee and MiSK saved time for all of us, however, for awhile now I've always seen Skacket pop up in all my SkriptHub searchs and awhile ago I've noticed that it has sign guis which is useful for many skripts. There are many people who have made a custom anvil skript or nickname skripts but had to use on chat for naming stuff. Being able to limit the amount of characters allowed to 16 from the start instead of needing to add multiple lines saves more time. There are also other things not only sign guis. EX: client side armor, anvil guis and block break animations DOCS: https://skripthub.net/docs/?addon=Skacket DOWNLOAD: https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skacket.1021/ GITHUB: https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skacket
  5. @Ofus-Will also while we're on this subject of why would we delete variables upon leave would you much rather have me just change it to meta data something about 3% of minehut skripters have even heard of let alone touch? because I couldn't agree more it's a much better way of storing tempory data
  6. Who know! XD Why do we use variables in the first place? Oh wait! I know because we need to store data
  7. That doesn't add up with what you originally posted The link brings you to the otherwise expression which doesn't add up with what you just said I already said I could maybe delete it however at the same time I've also been running into errors with the values being none this has been most noticable in removing of balance if the variable is none and a player trys to buy something their balance is negative so for me to ensure no issues happen I set it to 0 you also need to keep in mind that logic only works for the very simple one and one more thing the variables are deleted upon leave
  8. Never heard of that before I'll see what I can do with this new found knowledge thanks! XD at the same time @Ofus-Will I don't see how that can apply to this situation besides me maybe changing it to delete instead I still need to reset the victim's kill and not going to lie I only really see use for that in messaging something similar to what the example is
  9. wouldn't this be a better command template? as template's definition is in short a pattern meaning it's easy to "cut out" options: command: example permission: example.permission permission_message: &cYou don't have the required permission node executable_by: console and players aliases: ex cooldown: 0 seconds cooldown_message: &cThis commmand is currently still on cooldown cooldown_bypass: example.permission.bypass command {@command} [<text>]: permission: {@permission} permission message: {@permission_message} executable by: {@executable_by} aliases:{@aliases} cooldown: {@cooldown} cooldown message: {@cooldown_message} cooldown bypass: {@cooldown_bypass} trigger: send "Congrats you made a command!!! 1" options: command: example2 permission: example.permission permission_message: &cYou don't have the required permission node executable_by: console and players aliases: ex cooldown: 0 seconds cooldown_message: &cThis commmand is currently still on cooldown cooldown_bypass: example.permission.bypass command {@command} [<text>]: permission: {@permission} permission message: {@permission_message} executable by: {@executable_by} aliases:{@aliases} cooldown: {@cooldown} cooldown message: {@cooldown_message} cooldown bypass: {@cooldown_bypass} trigger: send "Congrats you made a command!!! 2" this even allowes you to repeat options with new data
  10. Pizzarolls are pretty cool right?

  11. Anyone got any skript ideas? I've been bored and out of ideas of what to skript for a few months now Things I Won't Skript: Skyblock Bedwars
  12. for people who want an extreamly simple one options: killstreak_kills: 5 on join: set {kills::%player%} to 0 on quit: delete {kills::%player%} on death of a player: set {kills::%victim%} to 0 attacker is a player add 1 to {kills::%attacker%} {kills::%attacker%} is divisible by {@killstreak_kills} # send action bar "&c&lKS &8> &e%attacker% &fis on a &e%{kills::%attacker%}% kill streak" to all players broadcast formatted "&c&lKS &8> &e%attacker% &7is on a &e%{kills::%attacker%}% kill streak"
  13. Something I've always noticed on minehut is that there are always some type of skript that people just can't figure out or just feels like it's far to complicated so when I was searching through the docs and I came across is divisible by (number) I felt like it was required of me to create the most common thing this condition would be used for. # # As you can see there are a few events I have blocked out this is due to the fact I know some people won't want to use them # So in order to make sure this skript is usable for everyone anything that isn't a requirement I blocked out # # At the bottom of this there will be an explanation on the on quit and on join events and why they are deleted and then set # options: # "placeholders" # [A] or [ATTACKER] | will be replaced with the attacker # [V] or [VICTIM] | will be replaced with the victim # [AKS] or [AKILLSTREAK] | will be replaced with the attacker's kills # [VKS] or [VKILLSTREAK] | will be replaced with the victim's kills killstreak_kills: 5 killstreak_msg: &c&lKS &8> &e[A] &7is now on a &e[AKS] killstreak&7! killstreak_death_msg_by_player: &c&lKS &8> &e[A] &7killed &e[V] &7while &e[V] &7was on a &e[VKS] killstreak&7! killstreak_death_msg: &c&lKS &8> &e[V] &7died while he was on a &e[VKS] killstreak&7! on quit: delete {kills::%player%} on join: set {kills::%player%} to 0 # You're required to have world guard for this event to work #on region enter: # "%event-region%" contains "spawn" # this event is from the Skript Addon Sk-NBeeT if minehut removes and adds SkBee then it will be in there too #on bound enter: # "%event-bound%" contains "spawn" on death of a player: set {_vkills} to {kills::%victim%} set {kills::%victim%} to 0 if attacker is a player: add 1 to {kills::%attacker%} set {_akills} to {kills::%attacker%} set {_msg1} to "{@killstreak_msg}" set {_msg2} to "{@killstreak_death_msg_by_player}" set {_msg3} to "{@killstreak_death_msg}" loop 3 times: replace every "[V]" and "[VICTIM]" in {_msg%loop-value%} with "%victim%" if (floor({_vkills}/{@killstreak_kills})) > 0: replace every "[VKS]" and "[VKILLSTREAK]" in {_msg%loop-value%} with "%{_vkills}%" else: replace every "[VKS]" and "[VKILLSTREAK]" in {_msg%loop-value%} with "0" if attacker is a player: replace every "[A]" and "[ATTACKER]" in {_msg%loop-value%} with "%attacker%" replace every "[AKS]" and "[AKILLSTREAK]" in {_msg%loop-value%} with "%{_akills}%" else: replace every "[A]" and "[ATTACKER]" in {_msg%loop-value%} with "[INVALID]" replace every "[AKS]" and "[AKILLSTREAK]" in {_msg%loop-value%} with "0" if {_vkills} is divisible by {@killstreak_kills}: if {_akills} is set: broadcast formatted {_msg2} else: broadcast formatted {_msg3} {_akills} is set if {_akills} is divisible by {@killstreak_kills}: broadcast formatted {_msg1} # # As I said above I said there was a reason for then on join and on quit it's not only to reset player killstreaks but it's also for blocking # an issue with using %player% lets say I removed the on quit and on join if a player was to get a 35 kill killstreak if they left and changed # their name their kill streak would reset and if anyone was to change their name to that player they would gain his/her's killstreak # # NOTE: this skript was created inside the code formatter if there are any errors upon reload I'm dearly sorry if you're unable to # fix the errors yourself just reply here and I'll respond as soon as I can. Quick notice if the error happens to be on any of the broadcast # lines try removing "formatted" and try again I'm not sure when it was added or if it always been here there wasn't any documentation on it # Looking back I notice this isn't as simple as it used to be that's due to the fact it's a mess with all the "placeholders" I needed to add # to make msg editing more user friendly sorry if you can't make much sense of it <3 # # If you have any ideas on what I should create next please leave me some suggestions I've been bored as of late # Once again sorry if I made this to complicated it's just that I really wanted to make this new to skript friendly
  14. this will never be added sorry it's been suggested many times and denied each time
  15. Fusezion


    lol I remember this plugin I never learned how to use it due to the fact I was learning skript at the time but I do remember it was highly useful for some servers so it's a +1 by me and who knows maybe i'll learn it this time around
  16. I think this is possible by using Tablisknu but other then that I don't know how you would do this
  17. I know right I recently spent the time learning Sk-NbeeT's bound system and now my entire server relys on it
  18. This skript addon is a mix of 3 of Shanebee's skript addons Sk-NbeeT, SkBoard, and SkRecipe as far as I could tell all of the addons added into this addon have been labled deprecated and no longer will update I feel like moving over to this and removing Sk-NbeeT and SkRecipe will ultimently be the best choice LINK: SkBee
  19. is anyone willing to make me a skript that when you fish you can obtain a fish with the size between 13 and 33cm long (kinda like MoreFish plugin) I mainly only need an example
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