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Everything posted by ombs

  1. For the aliases, don’t add the slash. Just ‘help’.
  2. Well, my vision was quite clear. 1st: Make a spawn. 2nd: Make a game queue. 3rd: Make the map and kits. 4th: Add details, shops, etc. 5th: Test.
  3. I think it’s a player who just wants to troll you.
  4. > UNTESTED! command /compress: if player’s held item is 64 cobblestone remove 64 cobblestone from player’s inventory give player 1 cobblestone named “&5Enchanted Cobblestone”
  5. > UNTESTED! on right click: if event-block is chest: if location of event-block is {x, y, z} give player 16 bedrock
  6. #Skript by ombs #Requires skQuery (I think) on first join: set {clicks.%player%} to 0 on right click: add 1 to {clicks.%player%}
  7. on pressure plate: teleport player to {x, y, z, (world name, default is just ‘world’)}
  8. I unfortunately have no servers for testing, as they are occupied, but I have a good idea on how I could do this. Maybe I will buy a server slot to make this! Thanks for the idea!
  9. First, type “/gamerule keepInventory true”. Then make the following Skript; on death: drop 1 (item) named “(item)” at location of death of player >> On mobile, not tested!
  10. I’m bored. Give me your best shot, and I’ll try my best to make it.
  11. This seems fun! I am quite nifty when it comes to Skript, so challenge accepted!
  12. Use CrazyEnchantments. It's a plugin that has Telekinesis built-in.
  13. command /start: trigger: give player one wooden pickaxe named "Starter Pickaxe"
  14. I have both PowerRanks and TAB installed on my server. Whenever I create a rank and set that rank to me, it doesn't show the prefix on the TAB list. Why? I've tried everything on the TAB config and nothing works. It somehow does on my other server slot tho, but I cant find the difference. HELP!
  15. Title. I want the player to receive VIP (&2VIP) when they right click a book. Thanks!
  16. Thank you! Can you quickly make me a Skript that gives a player one golden nugget for killing someone?
  17. Or you can make it so that only the Guard rank (powerranks) can open a door.
  18. Please make me a Skript that makes it so if you are a guard rank and click on an Iron Bar, you get teleported to another place!
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