Burgle Staff Application
Thank you for considering volunteering for the Burgle staff team. If you would like to join the staff team, we request that you fill out a staff application so that we can get to know you better and to understand why we should accept you into the staff team. If you choose to submit an application, a member of our staff management team will get back to you within 5 days of submitting it. Please make sure that you have read all of the requirements listed below as well as the staff process before submitting your application.
- All applicants are required to be on our official Discord server
This is because we use Discord as a primary way to connect with the community and use it as a way of showing any updates/changes to the server.
- You must be at least 14 years of age or older to apply
As mentioned above, you must be in our Discord to apply, to have a Discord account you must be over the age of 13. Furthermore, we also believe that staff members are mature enough at the age of 14 to be able to handle inappropriate behavior that they may experience as well as monitoring toxic members.
- Answer each question truthfully and to the best of your ability
We want to get to know you as much as possibly, this means you must be 100% honest and truthful throughout your application, if we find our you were lying
- For the long response questions, answer with as much detail as possible
We want to know you as much as we can and so we encourage you to make as long of answers as you feel necessary.
- Do not complain about the results of your application
- Do not discuss the application with staff or other players
Please copy the following format into a new thread and submit it, any application that doesn't follow this format will be denied.
- Basic Introduction Questions
What is your IGN? (Example: xMuel)
How old are you?
What timezone are you in?
What is your Discord username and tag? (Example: sam | xmuel#0001)
Do you have any previous punishments on Burgle or elsewhere, if so what?
- Long Answer Questions
What made you want to apply for staff?
Why should we choose you over other candidates?
What experience do you have as a moderator or any other staff roles, what were your responsibilities?
What skills do you have?
- Scenarios
What would you do if someone was hacking?
What would you do if there was a bot attack?
What would you do if a member of staff was abusing?
If you are denied, you are not permitted to create another application for 2 weeks.