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About This Club

Professionally skripted generator survival in a bedrock box.

Server Name

  1. What's new in this club
  2. General Questions 1. IGN: Egqueth567 2. Timezone: EST 3. Age (13+ only): 16 4. Discord Name & ID (ex. Sh0ot#3984): Nobor#5948(Might change) 5. What experience do you have as a staff member?: I was staff on a CS:GO server for a few months and I have also been a discord admin on 3 servers for a couple of months aswell. 6. Why would you like to be staff on LavaS: I've been on the LavaS server quite a bit and most of the times there aren't any staff on. Since I'm on a lot of the times when other staff is offline I can punish and take care of rule breakers when they are on. Also when new people join I try my best to help them out and get them started so that the community can continue to grow because from what I have seen a lot of people first join and its extremely hard for them to get started especially when they join during the busy hours of the servers. I know this because I personally had to deal with this and have seen multiple people have the same done to them. The only reason I decided to stick with the server was because there was a nice staff on to help me(lookin at u Purple) and I personally like the idea of the server. 7. Why should we hire you over other peoepl?( I didn't spell this wrong I just copied and pasted it from the format that Sh0ot posted): I should be hired over other people because I have experience with extremely toxic people(from playing CS) and when needed I can be very strict on the rules. Some people I have seen from other servers bend the rules for their friends. I've not seen it on this server which is good but I can be very strict when it comes down to enforcing the rules. Back to the first thing I said, from what I have seen from both playing on minecraft and CS some people can lose their minds easily when people are being toxic to them. I have played on this server enough to know that some of the people that play on here are very toxic. I can keep a level head in almost every situation(I'm only human). 8. Have you ever hacked before (this will not affect your chances): Uh, I xrayed on a solo world but thats it. 9. Have you ever been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason?: I was banned on a CS server for afking once. But other then that I haven't. 10. Anything else we should know? (hobbies, personality, etc): I like music I guess. I'm Asian. I'm straight. Idk Situational Questions 1. What would you do if you thought someone might be using criticals or nofall?: Go invisible and watch them. Criticals I would try to go and fight them myself so that I know for a fact and nofall I would try to knock them with an arrow and make them fall. 2. What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks?: Instant 7 day ban. Fly hacks are really obvious to tell because obviously if a non-staff is flying, they're hacking most likely. 3. What would you do if someone was botting the server?: If someone was botting the server I would most likely either kill them or leave them alone. The bots should be allowed aslong as it doesnt give a unfair advantage over the rest of the player base. If its doing something insane and getting a ton of stuff they should be killed or banned (Which ever one is up to how extreme the advantage is). 4. What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat?: I would immediately ban them. Some people on the internet take privacy very seriously so if people saw that nothing was being done in this situation would not make them feel safe playing on the server, and would stop playing and tell other people to not play. 5. What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat?: It depends on how sever it is. I personally don't get offended by people saying things like that and I've seen people say it in chat with mods on and one of the owners on and nothing happen. If it gets extremely toxic though and they're targeting one person constantly and are just being an overall dick about it, then I would ban them for 1 hour or more for extreme racism, targeting, and toxicity. 6. What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server?: I wouldn't ban them immediately. On minecraft there are hackers and kids who are older but there are also a lot of children who play this game. My younger brothers and their friends play minecraft and I know that a lot of them think its funny to joke around about hacking. I would just go invisble and watch them. If they do start hacking I'll ban them as fast as I can but if they are not I'll warn them once and leave.
  3. General Questions 1. okik 2. EST 3. 14 4. ! dard#4652 5. Little to none, I understand most of the plugins and commands a staff member would use. 6. I quite often find myself on this server. I've had my ups and downs but have overall had a good time on this server. I know a cheater when I see one and I am unbiased against who I am suspicious of. 7. I am active, I am never really that busy, and I have more experience than most other players and some of the newer mods. 8. yes 9. yes, for cheating. 10. I like to workout, I love video games, and I have been playing minecraft for 8 years. Situational Questions 1. What would you do if you thought someone might be using criticals or nofall? Upon further observation, I would report it to a mod of higher position, see what they think of the situation, and if I am really sure, I ban the cheater. 2. What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks? I observe their movements and make sure they are really cheating (although speed and flight are quite obvious) then ban them. 3. What would you do if someone was botting the server? I would make sure they are actually botting by having someone check their IP. Then, I would have them IP banned. 4. What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat? I would clear the chat and give them a warning if it looks like an accident. If they are leaking someone else's private info, I would clear chat and mute. 5. What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat? I would mute them for discrimination, as that is not allowed on this server nor anywhere else. 6. What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server?
  4. Application Denied: Reasons: - Not following format - Lack of detail You may reapply in two weeks.
  5. hello , my name is evenbetercontent i am 16 years old, i have a little more than 5 hours of playtime on the server and i speak perfect English. I know and understand the rules of Acids and would like to apply for staff on the server. i have a eye for hackers and have caught many on different servers. and i have a microphone.
  6. Application Denied. Reason: - Not enough playtime. Your required playtime before applying has been bumped up to 10 hours. Please play more before applying. Thanks.
  7. 1. IGN DiscStal 2. Timezone CST (texas time) 3. Age (13+ only) 13 4. Discord Name & ID (ex. Sh0ot#3984) MaxExists#6969 5. What experience do you have as a staff member? I owned AzureGens (wildy successful in its early days, it make 400 USD) I also made OntheVoid/VoidReborn (A server similar to lavaS/acidS) I was also staff on LavaS but was fired due to in-activity. I plan to get back into the community. 6. Why would you like to be staff on LavaS I want to get back into the community, help with updates. Be online & have motivation to be online 7. Why should we hire you over other peoepl? I've been an owner on many servers and also been staff on this one before 8. Have you ever hacked before (this will not affect your chances) Yes, I have just on mineplex on alts. Never on lavaS 9. Have you ever been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason? Hacking 10. Anything else we should know? (hobbies, personality, etc) I like to skript, I've been learning other languages and making games in them with various engines. I've also been loving minehut and owning servers on it forever now, I've been on mh since early 2017 Situational Questions 1. What would you do if you thought someone might be using criticals or nofall? Check the ban for those hacks, make sure I am absolutely 100% sure letting them kill me/fall multiple times and ban them for the specified time 2. What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks? Check the ban for those hacks, make sure I am absolutely 100% sure letting them kill me/fall multiple times and ban them for the specified time 3. What would you do if someone was botting the server? Mute the chat & kick suspected bots 4. What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat? mute them as fast as I can 5. What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat? Check the normal mute time for spamming something like that and mute them for the specified time 6. What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server? Report it to owners or higher-ups just in-case (I dont have required playtime this season, I had days of playtime on older seasons of LavaS)
  8. Appeal accepted. You are unbanned.
  9. Application Denied. Reason: - Lack of detail You may reapply in two weeks.
  10. 1. IGN Monsterboogs 2. Punishment Type (Ban/Mute) Ban 3. Was your punishment justified? No when i was banned it was out of the blue with no warning 4. If the punishment was justified, why should your appeal be accepted? 5. If the punishment was not justified, explain why you think you were punished? I actually have no idea why i was banned it just said hacks. Ive been called out for hacks before but its normally from salty players who cant deal with dying in a block game. it could possibly think it was xray since i was banned while going to a base but the people in the base were clearing not shifting half the time so thats there problem 6. Do you understand that asking a staff member about your appeal will deny it instantly? Yes
  11. Btw when I said put <name> Moderator Application, I did not literally mean <name> I meant your name
  12. General Questions 1. 1Shotz1Killz 2. Hobart 10:00+ UCT 3. 15 4. 1Shotz1Killz#2285 5. I was a moderator on Lavas Previously, but my brother left the discord on my holiday and forgot about it 6. Because i want to come back and moderate on Sh0ots New Server 7. Because i can moderate properly 8. yes, on shitty p2w gen servers 9. Yes, on shitty p2w gen servers, because i hacked on them Situational Questions 1. i would continue watching their hits and ping to conclude (e.g if they have really good internet and like 0 ping, they prob have nofall) 2. 7d ban, i think that was the 1st ban on lavas 3. ip ban 4. clearchat and mute them 5. tempmute and clearchat 6. notify sh0ot about the player but they probably wont because minehut
  13. Appeal Denied. Reason: You cannot use hacked clients at all, even if somebody is trying to raid your base or if there are other hackers online. Please wait out your ban.
  14. 1. _LachyB 2. 1 Week TempBan 3. Yes 4. Because I accidently hit the keybind but i wont use it if u dont want me too i have comfermation from some people that I dont hack I only have it for other hackers and if they try to raid my base 5. It was justified 6. Yes definetly
  15. Application Denied. Reason: - Not enough playtime. Your required playtime before applying is 10 hours. Please play more before applying. Thanks.
  16. 1. IGN R3nata281 2. Timezone Chile 3. Age (13+ only) 15 (just turned 15) 4. Discord Name & ID (ex. Sh0ot#3984) R3nata #2299 5. What experience do you have as a staff member? I have been admin in almost every server i am staff in and ive been in 5 different servers im still staff on most of them one of them is skyzonefun also wens survival and many more. 6. Why would you like to be staff on LavaS, Because i wanna help you server in any way possible and create one off the best servers on minehut and make a healthy enviorment to everyone that comes in the server and try to be active as much as possible so people know the server! 7. Why should we hire you over other peoepl? I am responsible and true to my word i know whats right and whats wrong and i can do whatever it takes to be staff and help create the server bigger make it better than it is all ready and respect you and other staff in any way. 8. Have you ever hacked before (this will not affect your chances) i havent hacked anyone. 9. Have you ever been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason? I have not been banned in any server yet and i hope not to. 10. Anything else we should know? (hobbies, personality, etc) im a happy person and really patient and i play vollyball as a hobby of mine. Situational Questions 1. What would you do if you thought someone might be using criticals or nofall? what i would do with criticals is i would emedienlty ban him after he does anything in the server but really depends on what you guys want me to do but i would emedienlty ban him but really it depends on what you guys want me to do but i would ban him. If it was nofall i would see what is happening and then ban him or warn him/her to stop if not ban them. 2. What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks? I would tell them to stop emedienlty if not there going to be punished if stoped i still keep an eye on him if he/she doesent stop i would ban them and tell you guys about him and what he did. 3. What would you do if someone was botting the server? I would ban him and tell you guys what he did and try fix it as soon as possible and make sure he/she never does anything like that again. 4. What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat? i would warn them for spamming that info if he/she doesent stop i mute him and tell you guys to see if we ban him or you ban him really whatever is nessacery to make him stop. 5. What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat? i would mute them and see what is a correct punishment like an 1h mute or something but if he does stop i will unmute but only if he stops not for any other case i would unmute him. 6. What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server? I would try ban him as possible and emedienlty inform owner cow owners or higher staff in a way they can control it but if there isnt anyone availeble i ban him and make sure he doesent do any damange to the server whatsoevver.
  17. Application Denied. Reason: - Lack of detail You may reapply in two weeks.
  18. Application Denied. Reason: - Not enough playtime. Your required playtime before applying has been bumped up to 10 hours. Please play a little before applying. Thanks.
  19. Application Denied: Reasons: - Not following format - Lack of detail You may reapply in two weeks.
  20. Application accepted. Message me via discord @ Sh0ot#3984.
  21. 1. IGN: anngelo 2. Timezone: Pacific Standard Time 3. Age: 15 4. Discord Name & ID (ex. Sh0ot#3984): Angelooo#1984 5. What experience do you have as a staff member? I have been staff on 100's of servers on Minehut but none off of Minehut. I can't name everything single server but I will tell you the servers that I have gotten most of my experience from. Returner: Returner is a farming plot server and used to average 75 players a day and was very popular a couple of months ago. I was a Senior Mod but sadly decided to move onto another server. Returner is still online but doesn't average as much players as it used to. I got a ton of experience for dealing with toxic players in chat and just dealing with a community in general. (Owner: NovaBYM/Fashionables) Afford: Pvp with generators basically was a copy of banknote/notewars but was popular for about a month. A couple weeks later I got manager but the server started to die so the owner shut it down. This was a good experience for catching hackers and learning a lot more about hacked clients. (Owner: HCFSkybridge) Hardcourse: Is a parkour server and currently is still up but has like 5 players on a day or probably even less. A ton of fly hackers trying to get ahead in parkour. I was a Jr Moderator but the owner decided to start a whole new server that is up at the moment called PyreS and I am not involved in it. This server taught me a lot about fly hackers in general and learning how to Screenshare players. Drip: Drip is a server that is still up right now and I am currently a moderator. I personally love drip because of the community, staff, and play style. I want to stay staff on Drip but also help out with Minehut in general. I will put equal amounts of time into both servers. Drip has given me experience on hackers in general, everything about hackers. 6.Why would you like to be staff on LavaS: I would like to be staff on LavaS because it can be confusing sometimes and people are going to need help, although I can help them even if I am not staff I feel it would be better if I was so I wasn't mini modding.I know a lot about how to handle situations and toxic players. I know a lot about LavaS and I can find my self helping players a lot more and being more active. 7. Why should we hire you over other people? You should pick me over other applicants because I am experienced in all sections and I can be very active and contribute a ton of time. 8. Have you ever hacked before (this will not affect your chances) Yes but not on any servers on minehut. 9. Have you ever been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason? I was banned once for a compromised account but it was a mistake so I got unbanned. 10. Anything else we should know? (hobbies, personality, etc) I usually play rocket league a lot of the time so I will basically be splitting time between rocket league and minecraft. Situational Questions 1. What would you do if you thought someone might be using criticals or nofall? If I thought someone was using nofall I would open obs and click record so I am recording if the player does have nofall. I would wait for that player to jump off of something even if it takes a while. If they do take damage when they fall off of something then I will no longer suspect of them hacking. If they don't take fall damage I would punish them for the correct amount of time and make sure I have evidence. 2. What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks? I would first get evidence of this hacker just incase they want to appeal saying they weren't hacking. Once I got evidence I would then ban them for the correct amount of time 3. What would you do if someone was botting the server? If I had permission I would first mute the chat and assure all the actual players that this is being dealt with, after I would alert higher up and tell them that we are being botted. After that I am guessing banning the bots would be the best decision here, so I would continue by banning all of the bots. I would then unmute the chat and everything goes back to normal. 4. What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat? I would first punish the player for the correct amount of time and then I would clear the chat so no one would see the personal information. 5. What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat? I would first punish the player for the correct amount of time and then I would clear the chat so no one would have to see racial slurs or homophobia. 6. What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server? If someone was threatening to hack the server I would get evidence of this person saying that and then I would alert higher up such as Administrators+ just incase something does happen to the server.
  22. Would recommend following the format/guidelines for the application. As well as using more detail.
  • Posts

    • Post moved to the Skript Discussion category, please ensure you're posting in the correct place next time! You can use something like this to give player a named item. This example gives a player 1 diamond named "Test" in green:

      give player 1 of diamond named "&a&lTest"


    • So I wanted to know how to make a skript where it gives the player an item with a name. But I can not figure it out. Please help!

    • Getting a server plan and joining the server directly will remove that intermediate lobby.

    • What are you stuck on? Also you should use metadata to make GUIs. Like this:

      command /shop:
      		set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "Shop"
      		set slot 0 of {_gui} with diamond named "Diamond: $50"
      		set metadata tag "shop" of player to {_gui}
      		open {_gui} to player
      on inventory click:
      	event-inventory is metadata tag "shop" of player
      	cancel event
      	if index of event-slot is 0:
      		# remove money, give diamond

      And if you want to make it even better, look into using functions to simplify the process and so you don't have to manually specify each item and its price and click action.

    • command /menu:
              set {_menu} to a new chest inventory with 3 row named "&6 Menu"
              set slot 13 of {_menu} to diamond named "&9Shop" # is the name of diamond item
              open {_menu} to player
      on inventory click: # Listen for players clicking in an inventory.
          name of event-inventory is "&6 Menu"
          cancel event
          set {_menu} to a new chest inventory with 3 row named "&9Shop" # opens a new chest called shop
          set slot 13 of {_menu} to diamond named "&2Buy for $157"
          open {_menu} to player
      on inventory click:
          name of event-inventory is "&9Shop"
          cancel event
          set {_menu} to a new chest inventory named "Buy"
          set slot integers from 0 to 26 of {_menu} to grey stained glass pane with name " "
          set slot 13 of {_menu} to diamond named "diamond" # is the name of diamond item
          set slot 12 of {_menu} to red stained glass pane named "&4-1"
          set slot 14 of {_menu} to green stained glass pane named "&2+1"
          set slot 22 of {_menu} to green dye named "&aConfirm"
          set slot 4 of {_menu} to red dye named "&cCancel"
          open {_menu} to player
      on inventory click:
          name of event-inventory is "&aBuy"
          cancel event
          if index of event-slot is 4:
              close player's inventory
      on inventory click:
          name of event-inventory is "&aBuy"
          cancel event
          if index of event-slot is 13:

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