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ApexSplat last won the day on August 10 2022

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About ApexSplat

  • Birthday 08/24/2007

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  1. changing an attribute: https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=4272 attribute types: https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=4280
  2. you have to use it like "" so you need 2 of them so ""text"" would execute "test"
  3. debug your code, work out which line isn't being executed, then you know what line isn't being executed and can fix it or you can reply here with which line isn't being executed
  4. use vanilla guis good tutorial: https://forums.skunity.com/threads/vanilla-guis.8939/
  5. https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=1072 this is called when someone uses an elytra. you just need to cancel it when someone is in combat
  6. Well, it should be working. Are you sure you are changing the right variable?
  7. on join: set {_online} to amount of online players set {_power} to 1 set {_num} to 2 while {_num} != {_online}: wait 1 tick set {_num} to {_num}^{_power} if {_num} > {_online}: stop add 1 to {_power} execute console command "/" # Put the command executed for the key all here not tested
  8. what if there are 8 players and you need 16 online but then 7 people leave and there is 1. does the keyall reset and they need 2 players for a key all again?
  9. on right click with pickaxe: set metadata tag "pickaxe" of player to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&6&lUpgrade": set {_x} to 0 loop 54 times: set slot {_x} of metadata tag "pickaxe" of player to black stained glass pane add 1 to {_x} set {_level} to level of efficiency of player's tool set {_type} to type of player's tool set slot 22 of metadata tag "pickaxe" of player to {_type} of efficiency {_level} + 1 named "&6&lUpgrade" open (metadata tag "pickaxe" of player) to player on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag "pickaxe" of player): cancel event if index of event-slot is 22: set {_level} to level of efficiency of player's tool if {_level} isn't 5: enchant player's tool with efficiency {_level} + 1 else: send "You have reached the max upgrade of 5!" close player's inventory not tested
  10. well deleting the .jar file and any plugin folders should delete it. it would be nice if there was a video of you deleting it and restarting and it showing up again
  11. it needs to be arg 1 not {%arg 1%}
  12. If you want to do it in skript have a look at https://github.com/ShaneBeee/SkBee/wiki/Shaped-Recipe
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