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  1. Btw when I said put <name> Moderator Application, I did not literally mean <name> I meant your name
  2. General Questions 1. IGN: AgentComet 2. Timezone: EST 3. Age (13+ only): 13 4. Discord Name & ID (ex. Sh0ot#3984): AgentComet#5201 5. What experience do you have as a staff member?: Im a srmod on Hardcourse 6. Why would you like to be staff on LavaS: Seems like a fun server that needs staff to help and deal with the players 7. Why should we hire you over other peoele?: Im a good hacker catcher and like to help people in chat. 8. Have you ever hacked before (this will not affect your chances): On mineplex yes 9. Have you ever been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason?: Mineplex for using killaura 10. Anything else we should know? (hobbies, personality, etc): I like mc Situational Questions 1. What would you do if you thought someone might be using criticals or nofall?: Record evidence and ban or if I cant ban I send evidence to a moderator. 2. What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks?: Record evidence and ban or if I cant ban I send evidence to a moderator. 3. What would you do if someone was botting the server?: Mutechat, get recording and send to admin 4. What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat?: Mutechat, clearchat, and mute the person 5. What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat?: Take ss for evi then mute or ban what ever the offense is. 6. What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server?: Send evi to admin
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