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Skript help :

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Hi i require some help completing a skript i been making for a upcoming server.

Basically there is a list (not really named yet) which is supposed to be randomly selected for a player (using their uuid) and then set as a lore (i can handle that) when  a quest has been chosen at random for their player. It is very important that the quest is not repeated and when completed, it will be changed **After* the player clicks on the quest*

If you have any questions about my skript or need more clarification, you can dm me on discord. My username is "artfulwarrior"


I posted the skript below:

on skript load:
    set {quest::1} to "item 1"
    set {quest::2} to "item 2"
    set {quest::3} to "item 3"
    set {quest::4} to "item 4"
    set {quest::5} to "item 5"
    set {quest::6} to "item 6"
    set {quest::7} to "item 7"
    set {quest::8} to "item 8"
    set {quest::9} to "item 9"
    set {quest::10} to "item 10"
    set {quest::11} to "item 11"
    set {quest::12} to "item 12"
    set {quest::13} to "item 13"
    set {quest::14} to "item 14"
    set {quest::15} to "item 15"
    set {quest::16} to "item 16"
    set {quest::17} to "item 17"
    set {quest::18} to "item 18"
    set {quest::19} to "item 19"
    set {quest::20} to "item 20"
    set {quest::21} to "item 21"
    set {quest::22} to "item 22"
    set {quest::23} to "item 23"
    set {quest::24} to "item 24"
    set {quest::25} to "item 25"
    set {quest::26} to "item 26"
    set {quest::27} to "item 27"
    set {quest::28} to "item 28"
    set {quest::29} to "item 29"
    set {quest::30} to "item 30"
    set {quest::31} to "item 31"
    set {quest::32} to "item 32"
    set {quest::33} to "item 33"
command /quests :
    permission: default.quests
function questGui(p: player😞
    create a gui with virtual chest inventory with 5 rows named "&6&lHuman quests":
        loop 45 times:
            format gui slot loop-value -1 with gray stained glass pane named " "
        format gui slot 10 with oak planks named "&7&lT1 &r&7Weapon Crate Quest"
        format gui slot 12 with spruce planks named "&7&lT1 &r&7Armor Crate Quest"
        format gui slot 14 with jungle planks named "&7&lT1 &r&7Utilities Crate Quest"
        format gui slot 16 with acacia planks named "&7&lT1 &r&7Ranged Crate Quest"
        if level of {_p} > 9:
            format gui slot 19 with stripped oak wood named "&2&LT2 &r&2Weapon Crate Quest"
            format gui slot 21 with stripped spruce wood named "&2&lT2 &r&2Armor Crate Quest"
            format gui slot 23 with stripped jungle wood named "&2&lT2 &r&2Utilities Crate Quest"
            format gui slot 25 with stripped acacia wood named "&2&lT2 &r&2Ranged Crate Quest"
            format gui slot 19 with barrier named "&4&LLocked [Level 10]"
            format gui slot 21 with barrier named "&4&LLocked [Level 10]"
            format gui slot 23 with barrier named "&4&LLocked [Level 10]"
            format gui slot 25 with barrier named "&4&LLocked [Level 10]"
        if level of {_p} > 19:
            format gui slot 28 with oak wood named "&9&lT3 &r&9Weapon Crate Quest"
            format gui slot 30 with spruce wood named "&9&lT3 &r&9Armor Crate Quest"
            format gui slot 32 with jungle wood named "&9&lT3 &r&9Utilities Crate Quest"
            format gui slot 34 with acacia wood named "&9&lT3 &r&9Ranged Crate Quest"
            format gui slot 40 with green glazed terracotta named "&2Zombie quests":
            format gui slot 28 with barrier named "&4&LLocked [Level 20]"
            format gui slot 30 with barrier named "&4&LLocked [Level 20]"
            format gui slot 32 with barrier named "&4&LLocked [Level 20]"
            format gui slot 34 with barrier named "&4&LLocked [Level 20]"
            format gui slot 40 with green glazed terracotta named "&2Zombie quests":
                zombieGui({_p}) #Excluded from this part of skript code
    open last gui to {_p}
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You need to explain a lot more, i can't understand what you wish to create. I thought i understood untill i saw the skript. Please elaborate.

                                                                        Skærmbillede 2024-02-11 151140.png

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